Participants and officials during the observance of World Water Day held at PHED Kohima Rural division office on March 22.
Kohima, March 22 (MExN): Around 50 villages under Kohima district converged at the PHED Kohima Rural division office to observe World Water Day on March 22. The programme was organised by PHED, Kohima Rural division and sponsored by Sanitation and WSSO, PHED, Nagaland, stated a press release received here.
Delivering the keynote address, Executive Engineer, PHED, Kohima Urban division, Er Subongyanger said that World Water Day 2023 is about accelerating change to solve the water and sanitation crisis. He shared that there is an urgent need to accelerate change, to go beyond business as usual. “Water affects everyone, so we need everyone to take action,” he asserted.
He also dwelt on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 6 which is about clean water and sanitation for all.
Speaking on the theme of 2023, ‘accelerating change’, District Coordinator, PHED, Kohima division, Ashale Seb said that it needs concerted efforts of all stakeholders to bring about positive change in Nagaland.
Sharing an action list, Seb stressed on certain lifestyle changes like saving water, by not keep taps running while brushing teeth, doing dishes, preparing food, break taboos by talking about critical connection between toilets, water and menstruation, share water fetching between women and men, boys and girls, fix leaking water and waste pipes, stop polluting, eating local, protect nature, build pressure among elected representatives and cleaning up of local rivers, lakes, wetlands or beaches etc.
A total of 25 villages under Kohima district were declared ODF Plus by Virhelie Kruneilie, Sanitation and Hygiene Consultant, PHED, Kohima division while informing that the rest of the villages would follow suit.
A Field Testing Kit (FTK) user, Neilabeinuo Kense hailing from Tuophema shared her experience in the field of water testing and monitoring. ODF plus resolution was administered to all present by Thepfulhou Theünuo, WATSAN Chairman, Chiephobozou. Invocation was pronounced by Pfüneilie, WATSAN Chairman, Kiruphema Basa. IEC Consultant, Kohima Urban Division, Vibou Seyie chaired the programme. Vote of thanks was proposed by Quality Manager (Chemist), PHED, Kohima Division Dziesetseinuo Kiso.