Susan Waten NagaWhat do orphaned children and offspring’s of wine sellers, vegetable vendors, flesh sellers and traders, domestic servants, cattle rearers and daily laborers do? Where do they go? Surely there
R.K.LothaWomen are wiser than men, because they are more understanding. Men are the head of the house, they cannot bring happiness to the household, which must rest with women and it is their greatest privilege
Vishii Rita KrochaIf there’s one friend who never grows tired of listening, who’s there when you want to speak your heart out and who’s just more than willing to share your burdens or joys, its the never
Jungtina JamirIt was an early Monday morning, so early I wasn’t awake when the phone rang. The voice on the other end gave me the details for this job. Something quick and clean, a professional job with no ev
John Basho PouThe other day I heard a group of friends exchanging their ideas on how to spend Valentine’s Day. But sadly things didn’t turn out as they wish it to be. Reason? Two of them have valentine and
Nehemiah RongSome meaningful lively talks alleviate one’s mind and soul. May be discussing some good topics give a sense of enjoyment and satisfaction not only the talk time but also about theme you discuss.
A BotokingWith the recent demise of Lt. Horangse Sangtam and the 9 IRB Jawans, I feel the tone of the state at this moment is somber and rather grave. Eventually, death comes a calling to each one of us. This i
Agnes Krocha That was a time worth our while at Dream Café with the fabulous ‘Action For Life’ team, comprising members from different nations of the world. With the Café’s own Wave Band we were tr
Nehemiah RongWhen long cherished dream become reality it satiates the heart and fulfills the imagination of the mind. Every human dream. We dream away for popularity and prosperity. We dream of building castle,
Nehemiah RongWhen long cherished dream become reality it satiates the heart and fulfills the imagination of the mind. Every human dream. We dream away for popularity and prosperity. We dream of building castle,
Vishii Rita KrochaIt was an ordinary day, a winter afternoon when I was out to do the laundry in a river nearby (barely one, yet a river because we called it so). Even though the pipes and taps were all fixed a
Vishii Rita KrochaIs it really love that makes the world go round? Doesn’t matter if that’s not the reason behind it because the world would still go round and there would be no need for us to change the wa
Atongla RothrongSqueezed uncomfortably between the December holiday season and Valentine’s Day, it’s the time of year when more couples tend to call it quits. January is said to be a time for new beginnings
Vishii Rita Krocha“Home is where the heart is” goes an adage. You may be globe trotting, seeing far away places, going where you have never been before but somewhere far away from home. Its fun i know! Its
Kedo PeseyieThe sun was scorching above the Kohima Local ground. One particular denomination was organising another big religious festival in the Local Ground. As I am part of that denomination, I was busy runn
Atongla RothrongThe cowgirl’s back from hibernation. You see it was such a rush year end that yours truly never got a dime of a second to jot down on any sort of adventure. Anyways, what matters is that I am
Vishii Rita KrochaAs a kid, I tried to escape the sight of them, as a teenager I hated them and as an adult now, I wonder why they have gone overboard and in return also harm others physically, mentally, and em
Dr. Aola ImchaPersonally I think the most difficult thing to implement in ones life is the feeling of being satisfied with what u have or have achieved. Even though I am writing this, I haven’t been able to m
Vishü Rita KrochaThere are so many things that happen to us everyday. It may not always be music to our ears because life is not perfect. Its not everyday that I remember to count the things that makes me happ
Victor J TLife: Not the easiest of subjects to master. And the irony is that there is no one to teach us how. Except life itself. But she is a hard taskmaster. Relentlessly, she nudges us through a trial and er