Dude looks like a lady!

One of his biggest hits with Aerosmith Dude Looks Like A Lady, tells the story of an encounter with a man so effeminate that he appears to be a woman. So it's ironic that Steve Tyler appears to be embracing his feminine side.
The 63-year-old American Idol judge has always been a fan of blurring the gender roles, with his fondness for long hair and make up. But yesterday in Maui, the legendary rock wild man could've passed for a trim housewife on her way to a tennis game.
From the floppy hat with delicate tendrils of hair hanging down within it to the pastel trim pumps, beaded necklace and coquettish smile, it appeared to be a very feminine look. But then Tyler, who has been married twice, has four children and dozens of former girlfriends, is one star who is also comfortable with his masculinity. He is currently dating Erin Brady, 38 , who is holidaying with the legendary frontman in Hawaii.
Erin, a former touring accountant, has been dating Tyler since 2006 and their relationship has been described as 'rocky'. A source told the National Enquirer that she was 'very protective' of her famous boyfriend. 'She gets jealous even when he tosses [even] a sideways glance at another woman,' they said.

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