Harry gets his marching orders

Brothers in arms: Prince Harry with fellow trekkers Captain Guy Disney and Private Jaco van Gass will be heading to Norway this week.

Prince Harry will be on the cover of men's magazine GQ as he joins a team of wounded military servicemen who are trekking to the North Pole. The special edition front page shows the 26-year-old wearing kit for the Walking With The Wounded charity, of which he is patron. He will arrive at the group's base camp in Longyearbyen, northern Norway, tomorrow to begin his training, before heading out into the frozen wasteland on Friday.
Harry will be with his teammates for the first five days of the gruelling walk, which is expected to take around four weeks and will cover up to 200 miles. They will haul sledges weighing more than 220lb in temperatures as low as -60C (-76F).
The Prince told GQ: 'This extraordinary expedition will raise awareness of the debt that this country owes to those it sends off to fight - only for them to return wounded and scarred, physically and emotionally. The debt extends beyond immediate medical care and short-term rehabilitation. These men and women have given so much. We must recognise their sacrifice, be thankful, so far as we can ever repay them for it.'
During the photoshoot with renowned photographer David Bailey, Harry wore a weight vest, which is used to strengthen upper-body muscles for hauling the sledges through the frozen North. He joked: 'Can I do most of my training wearing this thing in bed?'
His companions on the unaided challenge include four wounded soldiers seriously hurt during active service, two of them amputees.  Harry will leave the group on April 5, to return to the UK for further military training as he qualifies as an Apache Helicopter pilot with the Army Air Corps. Accompanying them will be expedition leader Inge Solheim, guide Henry Cookson and charity founders Edward Parker and Simon Daglish.
Mr Solheim said: 'Harry's training has been going very well - he has the right attitude. I'm sure Harry has healthy concerns about the dangers, as he should. You have no idea how different the Pole is from everything else on the planet. The old Norwegian explorers called it the Devil's dancefloor. It is unpredictable. Deadly. If you're not paying attention, it will just slap you. You can walk ten miles in one day, pitch your tent overnight, and the ice will have drifted you back 11 miles in the opposite direction.'

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