Most drivers drive without seat belt or helmet in Dimapur. (Morung File Photo)
Dimapur Police issues slew of traffic rules & regulations
Dimapur, November 29 (MExN): The next time you hit the road in Dimapur, ensure you're buckled up, wearing a helmet, and following other traffic etiquettes.
Otherwise, you could be "strictly penalised," as per a slew of rules and regulations issued on November 29 for the protection of motorists and pedestrians by Dimapur Traffic Police (DTP).
The measures shall come into force with immediate effect, cautioned the traffic advisory issued by Kevithuto Sophie, Commissioner of Police Dimapur.
Among other things, the advisory stated that wearing seatbelts in a vehicle is mandatory. Driving or carrying passengers without a seatbelt or driving a vehicle with a child below 14 years of age without a safety belt or child restraint system is an offence.
Driving without a protective headgear or using non-ISI graded helmets and not fastening chin straps are all violations of traffic laws, it said. Further, all motorists are advised to drive their vehicles within the prescribed speed limits.
The advisory also cautioned against using mobile phones while driving, noting that using handheld communication devices while driving is dangerous and punishable. Do not drink alcohol and drive, it said.
Meanwhile, the DTP also informed drivers to park their vehicles responsibly at designated spots. Besides, parallel parking will be allowed from Purana Bazar to Chümoukedima and not angular or haphazardly. Vehicles shall be towed if not parked properly or at designated spots, it added.
Shopkeepers and business owners were also advised to keep parking spaces for shoppers along Nyamo Lotha Road, Circular Road, MP Road, and GS Road for the entire day.
The advisory also informed all vehicle drivers, particularly two-wheelers or three-wheelers, to observe lane discipline and not overtake other vehicles lined up in the existing lane while waiting at traffic stops. Defaulters shall be penalised, it added.
It also cautioned against unauthorized retro fitments on vehicles. Action would be taken against defaulters for installing aftermarket devices such as tinted glasses (with VLT of the front and rear windshield being less than 70% and that of side windows being less than 50%); bull bars/crash guards; beacon lights or red/blue LED lights and exhaust pipes/pressure horns, it added.
All unregistered vehicles plying without a temporary permit issued by the concerned transport authority shall be impounded, and defaulters booked, it added.
As the advisory is issued in the wider interest of public safety and convenience, there will be zero-tolerance for the violation of traffic laws and defaulters would be strictly penalised, the police said, while appealing to the public to obey all traffic rules and regulations.