Image of Father Christmas celebrated

Every year, in Nagaland during Christmas, Pro-Christians are making ugly face image of extreme sharp pointed head image of Father Christmas and celebrating like non-Christians religion. The non-Christians challenged and contempt saying that Christians and non-Christians are exactly same as Christians too worship Idols like them in the form of Christmas Father.

This year 2006, December is here and Christmas is approaching. Those pro-Christians are anxiously waiting to make the image of Christmas Father to celebrate Christmas. 

Christmas means to commemorate the birthday of Saviour Lord Jesus Christ, Prince of Peace, Glory to God in the highest and Peace on Earth (Lk 2:14), regenerating spiritual life, peace, harmony, forgiveness to one another and joy in the heart of the people.

In the Holy Bible, God’s says “You shall not make for yourself an Idol in the form of anything in Heaven above or on the Earth beneath or in the water below”. You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord God, am jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and the fourth generations of those who hate me, but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments (Exodus 20:3-7). For the Lord your God extremely hate anyone who those things (Deut.25:16)

The pro-Christians knowingly or intentionally preach God’s commandment and unnecessarily waste energy as well as money by making images of Christmas Father, a Christmas Father which is made up of rags, with an ugly face with extreme sharp head etc. Instead of this, it is better to make beautiful Christmas trees, decorated with beautiful stars, give gifts to friends and relatives, so that our Creator could see our good deeds and shower his blessings upon us in the form  of good health, wisdom, wealth and long life to live (Deut.25:15). As the saying goes, “Man lives long; who live well”.

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