‘Kate’s a lovely girl - we’re very lucky,’ says step-mother-to-be Camilla

'Kate's a lovely girl' according to the Duchess of Cornwall who has spoken publicly about the soon-to-be Princess for the first time.
Camilla, who has become Kate Middleton's mentor since Prince William and Kate Middleton announced their engagement, has grown close to her stepson's fiancee ahead of their wedding in just over a month's time. One of the Duchess's granddaughters, Eliza Lopes, three, is going to be a bridesmaid and is apparently looking forward to the big day. 'Kate's a lovely girl,' she said according to The Express. 'We're very lucky. I'm very much looking forward to the wedding.'
The Duchess and her soon-to-be stepdaughter-in-law to be were spotted at the Berkley Hotel in Knightsbridge, opened by three Michelin-starred chef Pierre Koffman, in February. A fellow diner, sitting just two tables away, told the Daily Mail: ‘All four women were talking away like mad and none of the waiters could get a word in edgeways to serve their lunch. Kate looked fantastic in a very short black skirt, black opaque tights, a short jacket and boots. ‘I heard Camilla saying...  “if I can give you one bit of advice...” Kate was really enjoying the moment. ‘I did hear talk of trumpets and someone said “we can’t have trumpets, the ceiling is too high’’, which may have been a reference to Westminster Abbey.’
 ‘They were all getting on very well and they clearly hadn’t asked for an out-of-the-way table and nor did they attempt to lower their voices,’ the diner said. ‘It was high spirits all round. Kate and Pippa were sitting on banquettes with their backs to the wall opposite Camilla and Laura.
‘There was one moment which was clearly meant to be amusing when Kate said “what happens if William doesn’t turn up?’’ Someone else then asked “is it going to be a sit-down lunch?’’ They followed that with talk of menus. I heard chipolatas, sausages on sticks and mini pizzas, but I don’t know whether it was ironic or not.’
Speaking to a group of students at the Covent Garden Academy of Flowers in London yesterday, Camilla said: 'One of my granddaughters is a bridesmaid. She's only three and it will be quite nerve-wracking for the little one. But she will enjoy it.'
Camilla joined kate and her parents, who are believed to be looking at moving into the Duchess's former home, last week at the Royal Opera House for a performance of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.

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