DC & DEO Dimapur, Sachin Jaiswal IAS officially launched the voter’s awareness video reel on January 30 as part of DEO Dimapur SVEEP campaign at his official chamber. The one minute video reel features reigning Dimapur Aosunep Tzudir educating young and old on clean election and value of one's vote. Besides others, ADC and DPRO were also present during the launching program. (DIPR Photo)
Dimapur, January 30 (MExN): In view of the forthcoming General Election to the Nagaland Legislative Assembly, 2023 various district level trainings have commenced for the all polling person and presiding officers etc.
Wokha: Three-day training programme for the presiding officers, 1st polling officers and 2nd polling officers, 3rd polling officers, and Grade IV started at Government Higher Secondary School, Wokha on January 30.
A DIPE report stated that the DC & DEO, Wokha Ajit Kumar Ranjan, IAS briefing the polling personnel reminded them of their roles and responsibilities while performing their assigned task. He also urged them to attend the training session attentively so that they can do their assignment effectively and for the smooth conduct of the election.
Altogether, 252 males and 100 females presiding officers are attending the training.
Zunheboto: The first phase of training for all polling personnel on January 30 at Zunheboto. Presiding officers and 1st polling officers training were held at the Town Hall for female and Government Higher Secondary Schools for the male officers.
Pfutsero: Training for various election teams under 16th Pfutsero A/C was held on January 27 at the ADC conference hall. Jopheth Woch, ADC and Returning Officer 16th Pfutsero A/C briefed the team on various election processes and advised them to coordinate with one another for smooth functioning while performing their duties. He also advised the team to be in the station till the election is over.
Kohima: Training for civil, Magistrates and Inspectors was held at DC's conference hall Kohima on January 27.
DC & DEO Kohima, Shanavas C IAS called upon the cVIGIL Magistrates to be vigilant as it is a time-bound exercise which needs to be carried out. Detail instructions and applications on cVIGIL were highlighted by JG Lorin, Sr Tech Director & DIO (NIC) & Nodal Officer (IT), Kohima.
The training was also attended by EAC Probationers (2021 batch).
Longleng: Training for various teams/cells under Election Expenditure Monitoring Team commenced at DC conference hall with Dr Mahabir Jha, DLMT and GS Rao, DLMT as the resource persons on January 30. The training was attended by various team/cells under EEM team other than polling personnel such as SST, FST, MCMC, VST, VVT, etc.
In the second session, EVM Hands-on for Administrative Officers and Nodal Officers was imparted by Dr Mahabir Jha and Pongtei, DLMT.
The tentative schedules for training of other teams other than polling personnel will be held as given here: General Instructions & EVM Hands-on for Sector Magistrate and Nodal Officers at DC conference hall at 12:00 noon on February 1, and Webcasting Operators & Offline Videographers on February 2, 10:30 am at DPDB hall. And for counting the training will be held on March 2 at the office chamber of SDO civil, Longleng.
Kiphire: BLOs training for 59 and 60 A/C was organized in Kiphire on January 28, at the DC's conference hall Kiphire.
Ane Khieya EAC Kiphire imparted training on postal ballot voting by absentees voters, under the category of senior citizens of 80+, persons with disabilities, and COVID-19 suspects or affected persons. Form 12 D relevant to the stated category was distributed to the BLOs.
Further, training was given to the Micro Observers at Kiphire on January 27 at the DC's conference hall. During the programme, EAC Ane Khieya said there are six master trainers for Kiphire District to train the officials for the poll. And she requested the attendees Micro Observers to be sincere in learning the procedures.
In the session, the Master Trainer- Gagan Chandra Mishra, and Hotingkyu Sangtam imparted the training covering theory and practical respectively.
Training for presiding officers and 1st polling officers was conducted at Government Higher Secondary School, Kiphire on January 30.
Before the training, a short meeting was held, wherein, DC & DEO Kiphire Wati Aier briefed the polling officials to be sincere in learning the procedures. And he said that the poll procedure would be the same as before, except few changes or additions made. "Any occurrence of law and order problems during the polls should be reported to the Sector Magistrate,” the DC has said.
The Master Trainers included - Setricho Asst. Professor (Asst to Nodal officer), Gagan Chandra Asst. Professor (Asst. to Nodal Officer), Temjentoshi Ozukum Asst. Professor, Vika G/T, Hotingkyu G/T/EVM Master Trainer, Tsipithong GT/ EVM Master Trainer.
The session two for the presiding officers and 1st polling officers will be conducted on January 31 and training for 2nd and 3rd polling officers is scheduled for February 1.
Guidelines for printing press
In pursuance of the power conferred under Section 127 A of the People Act, 1951, all the printing press in and around Phek to follow guidelines regarding the printing of Election Posters, and Pamphlets.
• Indicating clearly in the materials (Election Posters, Pamphlets, etc) the names and addresses of the printer and publisher or any such other material printed by them.
• The printing press shall furnish four copies of the printed material, along with the declaration of the publisher, hereby attached within three days of printing thereof to the office of the Deputy Commissioner & District Election Officer.
• The printing press shall also furnish the information regarding the number of copies of the document printed and the price charged for such Printing job, not collectively but separately, in respect of each election pamphlet, poster, etc printed by him/her within three days of the printing of each such document.
Use of loudspeakers
The general public has been informed that the use of loudspeakers beyond the permissible limit is a common phenomenon in various social, religious, political events, functions.
In view of the forthcoming examinations, certain guidelines are issued for regulating the use of loudspeakers in order to create conducive environment for the students to prepare for their examinations.
The noise level at the boundary of the public place, where loudspeaker or public address system or any other noise is being used, must not exceed 10 dB (A) above the ambient noise standards for the area or 75 dB (A) whichever is lower; no one shall beat a drum or tom-tom or blow a trumpet or beat or sound any instrument or use any sound amplifier at night (between 10:00 PM and 6:00 AM) except in public emergencies; the peripheral noise level of privately-owned sound system shall not exceed by more than 5 dB (A) than the ambient air-quality standard specified for the area in which it is used, at the boundary of the private place; The Noise Pollution (Regulation and Control) Rules, 2000 has laid down the permissible limits wherein for residential areas is 55 dB and 45 dB during daytime and night respectively.
The notice has been issued in pursuance of Government of India, National Commission for protection of Child Rights, New Delhi, for strict compliance, stated a DIPR report.