NSCN/GPRN (Khango) for initiating pol talks with GoI as separate entity

Dimapur, February 24 (MExN): The NSCN/GPRN (Khango) two-day National Tatar Hoho (NTH) 4th Session from February 21-22 has unanimously endorsed Lieut Gen (Retd) Khango Konyak as the Chairman or President  and  Hokato Vusshe as the General Secretary or Ato Kilonser of the Government of the People’s  Republic of Nagaland for the six years tenure. 

Significantly, the NTH at Thamsao Designated Camp, Mon District, also resolved to initiate political talks with the Government of India (GoI) as separate entity in consultation with the Naga people’s and all the stakeholders. With the aim to strengthen and focus on regions and sub-regions issue, the House also resolved to strengthen ties with NSCN/GPRN allies based on the National interest of the Nagas, stated the NSCN/GPRN (Khango) in a press release from its MIP.

Several other important resolutions were also passed at the session, it said. After successfully conducting all the business of the House on day 2, the Speaker Viniho Kiho adjourned Sine die till next session, it added. 

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