Quiz #394

1.  How many industries are there in Nagaland according a recent data by Nagaland Pollution Control Board?
a. 1239        b. 1249
c. 1259        d. 1269

2. The National Deworming Day is observed annually in India on:
a. February 10        b. February  11
c. February 12        d. February 13  

3.Which state of India has recorded the highest number of Ramsar sites?
a. Kerala        b. Tamil Nadu
c. Gujarat        d. Odisha

4. According to the Nagaland Olympic Association, how many medal events will be hosted during the ongoing Nagaland Olympic & Paralympic Games 2024?
a. 160        b. 161
c.162            d.164

5. Who is President of Nagaland Olympic Association?
a. Neiphiu Rio
b. Abu Metha 
c. Tongpang Meren Paul
d. Kuputo Shohe

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Answers to Quiz #393— 1. B; 2. A; 3. C; 4. C; 5. B

Winner: Vikibe H Shohe, Ministers’ Hill Baptist Higher Secondary School, Kohima  

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