RSUD conveys Gaan Ngal greetings

Dimapur, January 18 (MExN): The Rongmei Students’ Union Dimapur (RSUD) extends its greetings to all the Rongmeis in Nagaland on the festival season of Gaan Ngal. A press note issued by Meihomlung Kamson, general secretary RSUD stated that the Rongemei Naga Festivals like any other tribes correspond to the different stages of agricultural operation, pre-operation and post harvest, and during the festivals they seek blessing for their crops and also for their health.
The note also stated that Gaan Ngai is the most colorful festival of the Rongmei Nagas. It is a post harvest festival. At this time, the granaries are full, the landscape is dry, the whole village is free from all agriculture works, and people turn to celebrate festivals and worship of the God. Gaan Ngai is dynamic in that it is not centered on the living only but the dead too are given due honour in the form of ritual farewell. The duration of the festival varies from village to village. But usually it is celebrated for about five to seven days with cultural gusto. Extracting of sacred fire, ho-hoing, cultural extravaganza, folk dance, music recital and folk songs are the inseparable parts of Gaan Ngai.

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