So when are you getting married?

Blushing Prince Harry was put on the spot over his intentions towards on-off girlfriend Chelsy Davy today. The 26-year-old royal was attending the annual Founder’s Day parade at London’s Royal Hospital – home to the world famous Chelsea Pensioners - when he was caught out by cheeky former soldier William Titchmarsh, 85.
As the prince greeted the retired soldier, Mr Titchmarsh made a reference to his elder brother’s recent wedding and asked: ‘So when are you getting married then?’ The third in line to the throne flushed a shade of pink and replied: ‘Not for a long time. Who put you up to do that to me?!’  ‘Oh dear, they’ll shoot me in the morning,’ the pensioner replied. ‘Yes, put him on a charge Sergeant Major,’ his neighbour quipped.
The hospital’s Founder’s Day is always held on a day close to May 29th, the birthday of Prince Charles who founded the hospital, and is normally reviewed by a member of the Royal Family. Harry is understood to have been keen to take the parade for some time.
The average age of the scarlet-clad pensioners on parade this year was 83 with the eldest, Joe Britton, who will celebrate his 100th birthday later this year. The pensioner has been at the institution for 17 years and remained seated while the prince took the salute of fellow residents. Harry later met him and joked: 'You should have been in the front line,' and the old soldier replied: 'When you reach 99 it's about time you finish.'
Harry, who wore his Household Cavalry's Blues and Royals uniform with his blue Army Air Corps beret, became the first serving officer since the Duke of Kent in 1974 to review the Founder's Day Parade of Chelsea pensioners. In the grounds of the hospital more than 1,000 guests were seated in stands with the elderly residents lined up in formation in front of them.

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