Teenagers and mobile phones


Mobile phone is a drug that a large number of people have become addicted to, especially the teenagers. Nowadays, teen students leave their works all on mobile phones. Whenever they are given any assignments, they leave no chance of copying it from the internet. They have stopped using their minds and have become totally dependent on it. They take undue advantage of the technology and share their personal data over social media platforms. Playing games on mobile phones has also become a common phenomenon. Students not only waste their time and energy, but also become physically unhealthy. 

Now, many youngsters are so addicted to using different apps that even during exam, they spend more time on their mobile phones than their books. This can adversely affect their studies and scores. As we know, excess of everything is bad. Same applies for mobile phones. It is a boon when used limited but a bane when overused and misused. Parents may consider giving their teenagers mobile phones for security purposes. However, the possible misuse and other side effects of mobile phones on teenagers are not unknown. While it does serve the purpose of being aware of the child’s whereabouts, it is important to consider its adverse effect. It is a common sight these days to see a group of teens standing together but having no conversation and being involved in themselves. 

There is no doubt that a mobile phone is a handy tool. It eases communication with colleagues, friends, and relatives, etc. But every technology that provides such benefits comes with a set of negative impacts. The impact of mobile phones on youth and society is immense. Having a cell phone will tempt the teen to spend all day talking or texting instead of doing productive things. Studies have proven that teens who spend too much of their time with their cell phones are more prone to stress, anxiety, and depression. Research has also found that excessive use of mobile phones may result in an increased risk of mental health problems. Most teens keep their mobile phones nearby while sleeping to respond to texts and calls and remain reachable around the clock. This may lead to sleep interruption and disruption. 

Studies have found that teenagers who use cell phones after the lights out experienced increased tiredness. Relying on texting as a primary mode of communication can increase anxiety in teens. Texting is instantly gratifying, but it also produces anxiety. The instant reply by a friend can bring joy and elation. But in case of delayed response or no response, this same pleasure can turn into disappointment. Also, mobile phone addiction can turn into an obsession to check messages and reply immediately. It may also increase anxiety by creating an illusion that they had received a message even when there was no message, making them frequently check their phones. 

Mobile phones present a huge distraction in classrooms, where teachers are forced to compete for students’ attention. Most teachers ask their classes to put phones away or set them on silent mode, but students are inevitably tempted to look at them. Excessive usage of cell phones surpasses their usefulness and creates new problems in teenagers. However, mobile phones can be helpful if used for a proper purpose. One must learn to prioritise and know that there is always something better and productive to do which is more important than using mobile phones.

The writer is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Physics, SJC (A) Jakhama.