A word of gratitude

I am extremely grateful to all those who were concerned about me and helped me physically, materially and in prayer when I was summoned to Mon by the NSCN (K) in connection with my individual expression of opinion through news papers. I had to go to Mon and Rev. Dr. V.K.Nuh, Rev. Kari Longchar, Teiso Tongoe, Zasevituo and two other Church workers have accompanied me to Mon on 21st November. We were accommodated at the Mission Centre where we were warmly received, hosted and prayed for.

The next day at 9:00 a.m. we met at the Ceasefire Monitoring Office in the Town. After a word of prayer and brief exhortation by Rev. Kari, three youthful gentlemen with their lone elderly man Jami and myself were closed in and we had spent about three hours in the room. Whatever we talked about, it is not a time for listening to reason.

It is a matter of fact that according to the summon, dire consequence awaits me on failure to respond to the call and it was so still I signed a paper which was faxed to press from Mon and appeared in news the next day. I don’t blame them for their treatment meted out to me but I lame myself for my over zeal and concern for social justice and for my outspokenness which led me to such an incident.

I take this as a blessing in disguise and I will be happy if my humiliation is their gain. I praise God for the rough path as I had experienced being jailed for months, in the past life and have received summoning with threat from some Naga National Workers too.

Whether my unwavering effort for peace for decades reflects any meaningful impact on the National organizations or not, the incident I came across this time will not discourage and dishearten me to work for peace and unity.

I thank you all and pray that God Almighty bless you abundantly.

Rev. L.Suohie Mhasi