
  • A Modern Hare and Tortoise Race..!
    Robert Clements Ah dear reader, let me refresh your memory. Now sit yourself down and let me tell you Aesop’s fable of the hare and the tortoise! Once upon a time Bro Hare was making fun of Bro Tortois
  • The Chapati Lady and Dogs..!
    They called her the chapati lady! She walked in the park, and as she strolled along, she threw warm, tender chapatis to the stray dogs who waited for her each morning. The strays loved her. They waited for her
  • Bottled Coconut Water..!
    Very lately at around eleven in the morning, which is an hour or more after breakfast, and two hours before lunch, I’ve been having a small bottle of coconut water. This was once the time when I had my se
  • Local Trains, Self-Pity and Snow Storms..!
    Many years ago while reading the book, Silas Marner by George Eliot, I remember the way one of the characters, Molly dies in a snow storm. She trudges through the falling snow and finding it increasingly diffic
  • Looking Way Ahead..!
    Was sipping tea in the back seat of my car last week, when my driver, a replacement for my chp who had gone on leave, suddenly braked, throwing scalding hot tea from my glass all over me, "Sorry sir,"
  • Reshaping Multilateralism in Times of Crises
    Jens Martens Inter Press Service The world is in permanent crisis mode. In addition to the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic and the triple planetary crisis of climate change, biodiversity loss and poll
  • Make Another Dream Come True.!
    Here's something for all of you who strive to build a career or branch off into business to read the book, "The Other Side of Me"by Sidney Sheldon. In those pages you will see how hard work, persi
  • ChatGPT, Chanakya and Compassion..!
    They were exceptionally good skits, all done using ChatGPT! I watched the actors working on their dialogues and noticed their lines were all geared towards solving addiction problems. ChatGPT had done an excell
  • YouTube most popular platform for Indian language news consumers: Report
    IANS Google-owned YouTube is the most popular platform for Indian language digital news consumers, with a whopping 93 per cent using it to access news, a report revealed on Thursday. The report by Google
  • Media Freedom is Vital but have we Passed Peak Press?
    Farhana Haque Rahman Inter Press Service  Peak oil was first up, followed by peak gas, gold and others, as if the world was draining natural resources like toilet roll panic buying in a lockdown superm
  • Scratches, Bruises and a Jawa..!
    Robert Clements What I had in my youth was a burning passion for bikes, and what mechanics latched onto those days were people like me, who knew nothing about these mean machines, except being dazzled by the
  • Is “Smart” Technology “Sustainably” Smart Enough?
    Pranjal Rastogi The word “smart” is ubiquitous in daily language, especially in the field of technology. The word itself is derived from the Old English smeortan and German schmerzen, meaning &ls
  • Safeguarding the future of independent media – and our democracies
    Khadija Patel Inter Press Service 2023 year marks the 30th anniversary of World Press Freedom Day. The UN says three decades have passed since it was proclaimed in 1993, in which “we have seen substan
  • Ah Taj..!
    Love transcends religion, caste and other man made barriers! Much prose and an equal number of lines of poetry have sprung from the hearts of writers and lovers expressing this emotion called love! But, the gre
  • Unseasonal Rain and Treacherous Umbrellas..!
    Whoever heard of heavy rains in April and suddenly there was a search to find my umbrellas, who I believe go on vacations between one monsoon and another. Looking for them brought back memories of their ancesto
  • Critical Literature Review and Central Research  Question: Designing a Research Proposal
    Dr Brainerd Prince We concluded the last issue by saying that once we have used the technique of committed reading and read through the key texts of the critical bibliography we had put together on the thema
  • Web of Uncertainties 
    Visedenuo Niswentso Modern College Piphema, Campus   Web is a complex system of interconnected elements. And the meaning of uncertainty is the quality or state of being uncertain. If life had no uncert
  • 14 million jobs worldwide will vanish in the next 5 years: Report
    IANS  Huge disruptions will rock the global job market over the next five years as the economy weakens and companies boost adoption of technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), a new report has
  • In Pursuit of Happiness..!
    When America got its freedom, something that the founding fathers enshrined in their constitution was the right of every American to pursue happiness. It sounds good, but what the people found was that the p
  • A year of crucial importance 
    D C Pathak IANS India presently is in the midst of efforts by the Narendra Modi government to reach a new high in building international relations, maintain domestic peace in the face of a planned atte