N. Kitovi Zhimomi, Ato Kilonser, GPRN/NSCN, Convener WC, NNPGs

Beloved Nagas,
When the Baby Boy, Christ Jesus was born, there was no earthly extravagance. No pompous display of wealth or social announcements and gatherings. Only wickedness, selfishness and sinful nature of man was in full glare in the shape and form of King Herod. Human wisdom of the rulers perpetrated murder of innocent out of sheer suspicion, apprehension and fear on the eve of Christ's birth and after. Humanity was in turmoil. This evil trait permeates even today in our midst. 

But there was great plan and promise for humanity in the eyes of Almighty God! On that silent and Holy night, two thousand years ago, there was hectic activity in the Heavenly realms. As foretold in the scriptures, God's only son's birth in human form was no ordinary one. The guiding star, the three wise men with their gifts from the East, the Angels announcing and anchoring the special birth. There was a Heavenly Choir serenading the birth of our Lord; Peace on Earth and Goodwill To Man! They announced. This is the greatest gift to humanity.

As we celebrate Christmas, be it in small villages, towns or big cities, may we look into our hearts individually and collectively and seek God's forgiveness for our trespasses and shortcomings. Christmas is a time for all leaders and followers to repent, seek God's wisdom, mercy and forgiveness. Let us retrospect and rekindle our faith in Jesus Christ. May our hopes, dreams, desires and aspirations for our Naga Nation, our Naga society and our Children be strengthened this festive season.