Extreme Conditions

There has been much persuasive analysis and opinions on the increasing climatic changes taking place around the world. But as it often happens, such pre-emptive signs are ignored and when reality hits, panic sets in and alarm bells go off. There is no doubt that climatic changes are setting it and it is difficult to fully comprehend the situation when extreme conditions of droughts and super typhoons are being experienced at varying degrees across the world, causing destruction to human life.     

The issue of climate change today is among the most crucial global environmental challenge facing humankind today. It has implications on freshwater supply, health, bio-diversity, natural ecosystems and food production. It will certainly also affect human economic dependence on activities such as agriculture, forests and fisheries. The signs that the world is warming can be gauged from the fact that the world in 2010 is on course for the hottest year since records began in 1880. The Telegraph in Britain has reported that 2010 has surpassed 1998 for the most record-breaking months in a calendar year.

There is no doubt that the heat is certainly catch up in Dimapur. With the growing population, wanton deforestation, unchecked industrial and vehicular pollution, drying water sources and lack of urban planning it is not surprising that the heat has been turning up year after year. This obviously will influence some shifts in lifestyles and is affecting the economy, particularly when Nagas are dependent on agricultural production as their mainstay. 

Natural resources are inextricably linked to the survival and well being of the Naga people. Considering the drastic climatic changes it becomes all the more important to create awareness among the communities and together with them protect the natural resources and to introduce laws and legislations that will ensure that appropriate measures are taken for the well-being of the resources. This however cannot be government-centered; the communities must be involved, because after all they are the owners and keepers of the land and their natural resources.    

Dimapur is a classic example of how other Naga towns should not be. There is complete lack of urban planning, no proper drainage or sewage system, lack of housing facilities and more importantly no organized tapping of water resources and its equal distribution. There has been random deforestation and soon Dimapur may turn into an urban jungle. It has all the ingredients for environmental hazards to occur. Dimapur is truly a lesson to be learned from. While there is much room left for remedial steps to be taken, it will take enormous will and determination on the various institutions to truly transform the face of Dimapur into a modern city.