Gaan-Ngai celebrated in Manipur with gusto

Zeliangrong youngsters in their traditional attire dancing at Bheigachandra Open Air Theatre (BOAT) today in Imphal. Gaan-Ngai is the biggest festival of the Zeliangrong community. (NNN Photo)
Imphal | January 18 : The much anticipated five-day festival of the Zeliangrongcommunity called Gaan-Ngai has been celebrated today in the Zeliangrongdominated pockets of Manipur valley with the State level being kicked off at Bheigachandra Open Air Theatre (BOAT) in Imphal in the presence of invitees from other communities.
Speaking on the festive occasion, Thangso Baite, Member of Parliament from Outer Manipur constituency, harped on the unity and territorial integrity of Manipur and has expressed the worthlessness of attempting to break down the boundary of the State.
“There will not be any threat to the territorial integrity of Manipur,” he said, and if that fact is agreeable, “why should we even discuss on the issue.”
Gaan-Ngai is the biggest festival of the Zeliangrongcommunity in equal fervor. The festivity of the post harvest which is interspersed with cultural extravaganzas like dance, musical recital and folk songs last for five days. The carnival that marks the end of agricultural drudgery and the beginning of bountiful harvest is not only significant for the livings alone but the dead too are honored during the festival with ritual farewells. The festival is an ensemble of cultural gusto and religious fervor manifesting in cultural items and religious rituals.
It is celebrated all over the State but the State level is arguably the crowd puller of the lot.

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