The Indo- Naga-Burma Case Does Not Belong To The Indian Court Or The Naga Court But The UN Court

As if playing a volley ball game, for the past 14 years, some of our political leaders as well as Indian leaders have been alternately declaring that the Indo Naga political ball is now in the Indian court-only to be told after another round of talks- that it is now in the Naga court! And so for the past 14 years, Naga heads have been forced to turn North (Delhi) and back to the North East (Nagaland) - all watching a ball- whose contents no Naga- except Miuvah, Isak and a few others only know. How much longer must this volley ball match go on because Naga necks are now already stiff from swinging North to North East and vice versa?
The Indo-Naga-Burma political conflict is in fact an international political issue where the political ball belongs to the UN court and can find a solution only there. This international political conflict is not at all an internal Indian or Burmese affair where India and Burma alone can solve the problem. It is not an internal affair of the two countries because six Naga National Council (NNC) memorandums had been submitted to the then departing British government before The Transfer of Power took Place in 1947. It is also not an internal Indian affair because up to ten NNC Naga memorandums, stating their independent status and wish to remain so, were submitted to the then incoming Indian government before  India was born on the midnight of August 15, 1947. Therefore, the international nature of the Indo Naga Burmese conflict is an issue where Britain can never evade the issue and say “It is none of my business”. After all, how can a Caucasian nation from across the seas just come and dissect Mongolian Naga lands into Burma and India and say “I don’t know anything about it!”
Because of the international nature of our case, our Naga leaders should have been rallying together under our own government and political institution that had launched our struggle to be a modern nation state in the post Second World War era. But instead of doing this, we have belittled ourselves by fragmenting ourselves into various parties like the former Naga People’s Council (NPC) and now various factions like IM, K, Unification etc and negotiating separately with the Indian Government in an attempt to get the biggest slice of the Indian economic cake that has been baked, cut and dangled before us by the Indian government. Instead of quarreling and fighting for a piece of this half baked Indian economic cake, let us first seek a political solution from an international level platform and then develop ourselves with the immense mineral, agricultural, horticultural, herbal, floral and other wealth that lies buried both under our feet as well as all around us.
However, in this search for an international solution to this Indo-Naga- Burma- Britain conflict, if the UNO will continue to turn a deaf ear to our six decades old cry of agony, then let us help towards building a United Nations of Asia Organization (UNAO), where Asiatic problems can be solved by Asians themselves without a European Dominated UNO interfering in our problems. After all, if these European colonizers of yesteryear will not help in solving the political mess they left behind in their hasty retreat from their colonies yesterday, then we Asians can also polarize the world into “EAST” and “WEST” and challenge them both economically and politically. We Asians are in no way their inferiors to be forever dictated by them.