Living in a troubled era

With an inner feeling of pride for being a Naga that I am, so do every Naga  harbor the feeling of being special for various reasons - natural or artificial.

Above all, we proclaim Christianity as our faith and have lived to the extend of declaring Nagaland as a Christian Sate, but in reality we live in a state of ‘Troubled Era’, with: confusion, fear psychosis and uncertainty eating into the minds of the people, contrary to our manifestations.  

Killings, intimidations and corruptions of various forms and degree doing the rounds, have emerged beyond human tolerance ; with the most recent such crime being the assassination attempt on the life of Mr Xavier Rutsa, a senior journalist on the eve of 24th November 2005 in the very hearth of Kohima the State Capital of Nagaland. We thank God for His gracious protection and pray for Mr Xavier’s early recovery.

No word is adequate enough to condemn/protest the cowardly and inhuman act of the perpetrator/s for the  crime inflicted on the life of Xavier Rutsa, who has been actively contributing towards people’s development and welfare. 

No amount of condemnations will solve the crimes committed, heal the physical damages already done or revive the dead who have fallen to such cruelty.

It is more than high time that all organizations, Churches and NGOs, stand united and eradicate all prevaling antisocial practices/activities and strive towards establishing a peaceful, prosperous and secure Nagaland where all can live with confidence  which can be the pride of the Nagas. 

Immediate, sincere and enhanced attention and intervention of the Government in dealing with all prevailing  lawlessness and corruptions in Nagaland is the need of the hour.

T.L. Merry
Secretary & Spokesperson
Media Cell NPCC