Mangmetong Baptist Church centenary celebration ends

Mangmetong, January 17 (MExN): The three day Mangmetong Baptist Church centenary celebration concluded on Sunday January 16, 2011 with the Mangmetong Baptist Church resolving to donate ` 2 lakhs to the Ao Baptist Church Arogo (ABAM) Mission.  The three-day centenary celebration which began from January 14 concluded with a set of nine point resolution which includes the donation of ` 2 lakhs to ABAM mission.
The most significance however could be the reconciliation move which the Mangmetong Baptist Church and the whole Mangmetong villagers set to undertook. The Mangemtong village in the name of the centenary celebration undertakes ‘peace and reconciliation’ move through the church, village council, different groups, individuals and families.
Besides, the Mangmetong Baptist church resolved to pay a life-pension of ` 1000 from January 2011 to all those ordained minters who are above 65 years age and who have retired from their respective ministry.
In commemoration of the centenary celebration, the MBC resolved to build a Centenary Memorial complex building at the MBC complex at Dimapur. The income earned through this building will be spent exclusively for evangelism works.  
A scholarship for higher theological studies in the name of “Mr & Mrs L Shilu Imchen Trust” was also established to provide scholarship to those who aspire to go for higher theological studies. A separate fund for this purpose has been established.
Meanwhile, the last night of the centenary celebration witnessed hundreds of people from all walks of life gathering at the main venue to observe the hundred year of Christianity in the village. Despite the inclement weather, the programme went of smoothly, with Rev Luin jamir (Ex pastor MTBA) as the main speaker.  It may be noted here that Mangmetong village is one of the most prominent villages in the Ongpangkong Range of Mokokchung. Nagaland Home Minister Imkong L Imchen also hails from this village.

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