Protecting children from Nagaland’s roads

Dimapur, September 2 (MExN): On Thursday, a school girl in Dimapur was hit in the head by an airborne stone that skidded off the traction of a truck’s wheels, near the Tragopan Hotel in Dimapur.  

“This incident is a direct consequence of the deplorable condition of the roads in Dimapur which are no better than rock covered tracks,” said a concerned citizen, Noel Kevichusa in a letter to this daily

The girl, Deborah, was injured in the head. The injury would have been severer had the stone not glanced off the driver’s window sill before hitting the girl, Kevichusa said. “I dread to think what might have happened to my daughter had she taken a direct hit as the initial impact of the stone was hard enough to dent the metal window sill of the car,” the citizen said.

This is what the citizen says about the state of affairs in Nagaland today: “This brings me to the obvious question as to what it will take to get the concerned authorities to do their jobs and do it well. It is not enough to do cosmetic work on the roads in the run-up to the Hornbill festival. I am saddened to say that I firmly believe that it is an absolute lack of pride and integrity that has led to this state of affairs. I can only hope that other children do not have to suffer as my child did.”