Students of Politics?


As we all know our student bodies have always been in the forefront in highlighting the problems of our student community in Nagaland. In fact we are quite proud of their efforts to represent the Naga Students in all their endeavors. Traditionally, we students are most grateful to our elders who have always allowed us to participate in issues that affect all Nagas.

But what is surprising to note now is the departure of some of our student leaders for foreign destination ostensibly for peace talks. Today Nagaland suffers from lack of opportunities for students. Is it not the reason why a number of youth are leaving the state and settling down in cities like Delhi, Pune and Bangalore for lucrative jobs and better avenues? Also, those with greater means are studying in far off lands. Everyone seems to be on their own. The saddest part is that the younger generation is not keen to get back and contribute towards development in either our state or the region. And what, if one may query, is being done about it? Far too less, actually nothing tangible at all, as is very evident.

Instead are not the student leaders busying themselves with foreign jaunts, perhaps as a fitting reward for all their extra curricular activities or is it their eagerness to impress some political masters? One wonders what will be the fate of the poor students who will abandon their studies midway to take up sundry causes, which benefit only a select few. How about sparing a thought for the poor parents who happily sacrifice so much without even asking their children about the progress of their studies or success at getting stable jobs? Maybe the only people to have a sigh of relief at student leaders going away would be the administration or the employees of the commission, who are getting some respite from them.

When the world is going global, we cannot afford to remain cocooned in our unique identity and mired in our individual tribal ways. Let us endeavor to improve what we all have, so that people are drawn to come and work in our beloved land. Not only have the generation next to build upon the rich legacies given to us by our forefathers, we should also see through those persons who other-wise have been taking us for a ride in the past for their selfish interests. Only then, do we have a chance to prosper as much as what South East Asian countries are doing. Any failure of lack of achievement by the student community will only weaken our worthy cause and condemn us to remain as a failed entity.