Success - Now and Later

Lolly Bashu


You don't need anybody's approval to do good to yourself. No-one can stop you from doing what you are good at. Anything good origintes from your mind. Focus and start in what you are good at, to make your life exciting as in 'Paradise'. You are good at certain thing/s because you are interested in that/those activity/activities. Your 'interest'matters the most for you to progress in life. For sure, you do have interest/s to progress. Search for it  and rely on it. Search within, to find 'yourself' as the person who you have been really looking for, and not another person.  You need Yourself and God partnership, in your life's journey now or later. You have to start to define success in your own terms.

Articulate and organise the innner strength in you. And remember, the interest you have  in certain thing is the manifestation of your inherent potentials in store for you. Explore and discover that/those to persue for your future. 'You' are the most suitable person to do this job. Keep searching within you, not outside of you and make sure you find yourself. You are a unique creature designed and created by a wonderful and magnificent God- the Creator. You did not get a user's manual when you were born, neither I, nor anyone. You need to ask your Creator. He alone has the user's manual with Him. If you ask, He will definitely give you. Not only give you but guide , protect, strengthen, prosper, etc and succeed you in your life, if you wish to. Success leads to further meaningful life. A meaningful life will bring forth your worth more. Your worth is the outcome of your search within you. Not given by others. In fact, others cannot possibly come inside of your being and be on your behalf. It's not possible, literally. If you are not you, others are helpless to you. That's why, you don't need other's permission to begin doing 'what interests you' to be successful. In other words, you don't need others certification to do good to yourself and move forward to experience your uniqueness gifted by God.

Success, of course, is not only about, getting a government job, riches, properties, wealth, position or status, etc, conferred by external agencies, in the first place. To some, it may be, so they themselves will know how it feels like to have. Success in life lies in realisation of self-worth, self-preservation, self-respect, self-affection, self-esteem, self-confidence as you are and not as others think you are supposed to be. Most importantly, be steadfast and start all over again despite of hardships and failures at times. In this approach, no one can stop you. Your interest will motivate you, and so, you will enjoy even in times of difficulties. Difficulties will merely sharpen you. Experiencing difficulties,you will be better equippe to handle situations that seems impossible. In time of hardships ask for your user's manual whenever you are confused. Confront seemingly impossible situation which you need to overcome with the help of God. The Creator loves his creatures with an unending love for you to overcome and succeed.

Success means different things to different people. It's a slippery thing, in the sense, your success is yours, others suceess is theirs. Let your success be, not what they say, it is. But explore the amazing you- the wonderfully and fearfully created creature. Discover your worth with the help of your user's manual. 

Life is truly meaningful. Your success lies within you in the way you are meant to be. You should be the maker of your own destiny.  Conferred success may be encouraging at times. But, you are you, no one else can be. Death is the final success of life on earth. The transition when you will no longer need user's manaul but in direct access to all fullness of life. The final success which is 'predestined', perhaps to next. Success in all- in life, in death and thereafter. Won't you consider it! 

The writer is Principal, Christian Mission Higher Secondary School, Phek.