Tales from a conflict zone

Isaac Inkah

If you are told to wear a mask
I hope it is not to hide your identity.
If you are told to stay inside the house
I hope it is not a law and order issue.
If you are told not to interact with a stranger
I hope it is not for security reasons.

You will never know what a brute force is
If you are complaining about a mask and a lockdown.
My land is a romanticized conflict zone-
Dying in my land is a pride you carry for your nation.
Killing one of us is an ultimate badge of honor.

I hope none ransacked your home
To look for something to use against you.
I pray none uses sexual assault 
To teach you a lesson.
I hope, all that you know of physical and mental torture
Are from your school teacher.
I hope no one will force you to do certain things
With guns pointed on your forehead or at your back.

Human right is a song
No one wants to sing!
I hope you live to tell my tales
And stand for the rights of your fellow human beings
Calling out from a silenced zone
With parch lips and dry throats.