Tali Longkumer
Unlike most of the lives of Saints and Sages that are either alive or dead, Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God is alive today. Yes, He died on the cross but on the third day He rose from the death and lives today. The world is often characterized as the age of anxiety and uncertainty where people thrive hard against various odds to live but yet not sure whether tomorrow will ever come. The challenges before them are enormous. But for those who believe in the resurrected Christ, there is hope and assurance to pursue a meaningful and a fulfilled life and such meaningful lives are assured as a result of the resurrection of Christ on the Easter morning.
Hope is a desire of something to happen and we often search with much hope for a solution to our interlaced issues that are often thorny and at time in wrong places so much so that much of our problems remain unsolved and stagnant and continue to carry them as beasts of burden on our shoulders. On the Easter morning however when Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James and others went to the tomb where Jesus was buried (Mark 16:1), they did not find the body of Jesus in the tomb. On inquiring of the whereabouts of Jesus, they received the most unexpected reply from the Angel at the tomb, “Why do you look for the living among the dead?” (Luke 24:5). On the Easter Day we may be equally reminded of this encounter at the tomb where they searched the living among the dead.
Often we seek for an answer either from the wrong people or from the wrong places as a result of personal reasons, where the end result is a sheer squabbling but much less on arriving at an amicable solution. The empty tomb on Easter morning, however vividly testifies the truth that Jesus is risen from the death and that the resurrected Christ promises hope to the hopeless and needy for a meaningful life.