Village leaders refute allegation leveled against Rev Ghokuto

The allegation leveled against Rev Ghokuto by P.Viqheto Phisami appeared in” the Sumi Kiyephi” on 10/09/2010,  “The Morung Express”, and” The Eastern Mirror” on 27/09/2010 is baseless and totally false.

Therefore, we the GB’s, Village Council, Board of Deacons, and Viyilho Baptist church in general condemned such false allegation. Brother, if you still hold that  the allegation is true give us the name as to who informed you such false information within 10 days to the office of Village council, and Viyilho Baptist church because you were not there at the time when the said Reverend was preaching. And if you fail to do so, we will take it that you have issued such press release while you were being used by evil spirit. Brother P. Viqheto, playing with the word of God is dreadful; therefore, ask for God’s forgiveness before it is too late. God bless you

1. Mr.Ghokiye Head GB
2. Mr. Hetokhu GB Council chairman
3. Mr. Viheto chairman, 
Board of deacons
4. Mr. K Hoqheto Yeptho, Pastor VBC.