‘A time of reawakening our people’

Vekronu Dozo 
Kedahge, Federal Government of Nagaland

On this historic national day in the annals of Naga nation history, I take this privilege to share a few words with you all on behalf of the Federal Government of Nagaland and my own behalf.
It was on this day in 1964, the bilateral Cease-fire Agreement was signed by the Federal Government of Nagaland and the government of India which covered all Naga inhabited areas and the six rounds Peace Talks followed thereafter but which India Dead locked.

In today's occasion I feed sad because instead of observing this day with joy, merriment and celebration, it had become a time of reawakening our people to recollect and relive the horrible and nightmarish experiences that our people suffered in the hands of India in the past and continue to be so even today.

Under any circumstances, we are thankful to the Almighty God for giving the inspiration to the Nagaland Baptist Church Council under the aegis of whom the Nagaland Peace mission was formed comprising the Rev. Micheal Scott, Mr.B.P. Chaliha, the then Chief Minister of Assam and Mr Jaya Prakash Narayan through whose tireless efforts in their mission, our people got respite though short-lived.
Looking back at our history, it is heartening to note that the voice of freedom of our people was firstly voiced to the outside world through the Memorandum submitted to the Simon Commission on 10th May 1929. After forming the Naga National Council on 2nd Feb 1946, Naga Independence was formally declared on the 14 Aug. 1947 followed by the voluntary Plebiscite of 16 May 1951 which was an affirmation of the Independence declaration.

Following these events, Nagas rejected the 1st and 2nd General election of India in 1952 and 1957. Unable to silence the Nagas, India unleashed a reign of terror through her army to act with Impunity under the protection Armed Forces Special Powers Act since 1954 up to todays.

Under such circumstances, our people had suffered beyond expression. Villages were burnt down, granaries and crops destroyed, people grouped in concentration camps, all able bodied persons killed or tortured and women folk raped, molested and mistreated at will even defiling the sanctity of churches. Such was the history of our people upto the Ceasefire agreement of 6 Sept. 1964 which was short lived. Another period of reign terror was again unleashed by India upto the signing of the infamous Shillong Accord of 1975.

Even today India is ever attempting to demean the right of our people of freedom which is God given. On the part of the NNC and FGN, we are ready to permanently solve the Indo Naga political conflict as and when India comes forward sincerely.

The NNC/FGN ever upholds the sovereignty of our nation and freedom of our people collectively and individually.

Now, I call upon each and everyone of you on this historic day to introspect ourselves, re-dedicate ourselves to be responsible citizens of the soil of our motherland so that collectively the will of our people shall be fulfilled to glorify His name forever more.