An Acceptance of Hypocrisy..!

On one hand we have Donald Trump, from the White House walking to a church clutching a Bible in his outstretched hand for all to see, then we see the same man accused of the most perverted sexual assaults. And yet to the Bible belt Christians in America and even in other parts of the world this man should be voted back in like a messiah! And could be too!

Have we become blind to hypocrisy or has hypocrisy become an accepted norm? This is not just about Trump but other leaders across the world. Leaders who’ve realised the best way to win the hearts of the electorate is to make themselves religious icons and edifices in the eyes of the people.

But I don’t blame the ones who are making use of this sure-fire method of victory, I’m wondering about what has happened to our own discerning minds?

Have we forgotten what an actual spiritual awakening should do to a leader? That it is not about holding a religious book like the Bible above your head or jumping into holy rivers that matter, but a change of heart. That compassion and love starts reigning within, that your language becomes tempered, that you look at others as brothers and sisters, and yes, that you do not ever, ever bring about division and separation.

These are the outward signs that show a depth of spiritual awakening, and if we are being fooled by anything else, then we the people are the bigger fools.

And bigger and bigger fools we are becoming!

Which brings me to a more pertinent question, that we cannot discern these hypocrites, because we ourselves follow the same principles? On Sunday I go to church or to the temple or mosque, and the other days of the week I do as I please, which could mean every kind of wrong under the earth. And because of this we accept leaders who do the same.

Yes indeed, it’s a strange world today where hypocrisy is an accepted norm, but do remember that it’s the same as the honest looking bank director who has embezzled your savings and left you broke, or a best friend who has seduced your husband and broken your family, and many more saintly faced people who’ve played the devil behind your back.

Because finally that’s what the hypocritical leader will do; destroy you, your home, your country, your faith, your trust!

It is an accepted truth that people get the leader they deserve, so are these hypocrites who act with violence and hate, and invest in religious rituals, actually giving us what we deserve?

Compassion, love and brotherhood are expressions we need to look for in leadership, as we try to get back our ability to discern between a hypocrite and a sincere and genuine leader!

Beware, this acceptance of hypocrisy...!              

Robert Clements is a newspaper columnist and author. He blogs at and can be reached at