Appeal to Director General of Police

Sir, keeping in view the unjust practices going on in the ensuing ABSI, UBSI and ASI being conducted at NAPTC Ground, Chumukedima, the undersigned on behalf of the deserving candidates would like to state the following facts for your kind perusal and immediate action thereof.
Sir, it was came to light that some unscrupulous candidates in the ongoing recruitment test have already Prearranged their substitutes particularly in the medical and Physical Endurance Test with forged registration slip.
Interestingly, the unscrupulous candidates have made duplicate registration card unlawfully countersigned by your department office seal to hoodwink the board members. Whereas, they have kept in their possession, the original registrations slip which was issued during the time of submission of form.
In the light of the above, the undersigned earnestly request your Honour to kindly inform the Recruitment Board Members to cross-checked / re-verify the original documents of all the candidates before commencement of the Physical Endurance test.

Kiyekhe Sumi, Tokiho, Among, Akahoto, Imti