Are Cabinet Ministers of Nagaland Non Nagas?

Atsung Imchen


Don't want to indulge in the already overdosed topic of the Dog Meat ban but regarding the much bigger problem that is the competency of our leaders, where do our elected representative stand?. The competency of our elected Leaders can be measured by the Laws they pass. What does the Dog meat ban say about our leaders?

Just like the law was passed over night It's like as if those suited booted individuals are not Naga's and have no clue about what actually is the ground reality. If one is to ask the question, how many Naga families consume Dog meat every day or every alternate day compared to Pork and Beef? The ratio would be nothing compared to Pork and Beef.

The law that was passed by the State Cabinet which the Chief Secretary brandished in Twitter and an Advisor speaking to Veganfirst (or whatever that is) that it needs all the support to implement the law… like where are they going? Like seriously, what kind of calculation was performed, that made them conclude that such laws needed to be passed.

Art 371A which basically means in laymen's term without beating around the bush (excuse my language) "No b******t Law will interfere in the daily Business As usual (BAU) of the Nagas,” in the sense if tomorrow the Central government Bans Beef that is complete b******t for us Naga's etc. The cabinet Ministers of the State present or Future need to understand that though we have a Government under the constitution of India we are parallelly trying to find a solution to our Indo Naga Political Conflict, I don’t have to stress so much on that, if it was not, why is the Indian Government negotiating with us?

The Article written by Vir Sanghvi in Hindustan Times titled "Sorry, but you shouldn't ban dog meat" has more sense than all the State cabinet Members combined could put out and to insult our state Cabinet members including the Chief Secretary who shared the news in Twitter and the Veganfirst Spokeperson more, this guy is not even a NAGA but he understands our people and our way of life more than the sorry excuse of leaders we have today.

In the eyes of the outside world passing this law meant, we Naga's daily consume dog meat which is absolutely not the case, not true and it gave birth to another sorry excuse of a human being like Hema who is out there tarnishing our image and guess who are the people defending our image? Us the Public, not the cabinet Ministers of the State. At the same time it shows that the State Cabinet Ministers do not understand the fact that we have a history with India regardless of the Government they run now, we have our differences.

If one wants to be fair, each of those Cabinet Ministers including the Chief Minister should be summoned for explanation by their respective Hoho's asking to justify the reason why such law was passed and why the name of the "Naga's" are currently being tarnished as a whole by outsiders who have no clue about the reality. The other important question that arises is why are the Tribal bodies silent? During the ULB election there was so much hue and cry from the Hoho's but when the State Cabinet Ministers are enforcing a law that prohibits or disturbs the daily business or our way of life which can have future implication, why so Silent? Regardless of whether they raise concern or not, one thing is certain we will definitely have a reference point in the future. The only difference will be the context of the reference depending on whether they raise their voice or not.

This could have been handled way better by restricting those nonsense rules Village Councils gives out for shooting dogs and by passing laws that punishes those who indulge in Animal Cruelty, not by Banning something that does not even need such drastic measures. And all this for what? Favor? We don't need to be like the Mainland Indians, our society and our way of life is thousand time better than what is there outside, but just for political favor if you take such steps which compromises our way of life including the very essence of our struggle with India then trust me, your names will be forever remembered, not like the one you expect to be.