Back to the Bible

Peter Chachei

A new age has dawned where the means of communications has been considered an important art that living without it had shattered one’s life. Communication is one of the greatest power for good and a strong agent for evil too. We live in a world surrounded by thoughts formed in classrooms, on television, in the movies, from music, magazines and friends. We must understand to what we and our generation are being exposed to. If we leave a piece of iron outside, exposed to the rain and wind, it will only rust. If we throw a stone upwards, it will always come down. The laws of chemistry and physics will always produce a definite result.

Music, one of the kinds of Art has given in to anxiety abundantly. The so called Modern music, which is characterized mainly by the frequent use of dissonance leaving the listener with nothing but only a feeling of aimlessness. The generation next music is being so designed only to arouse the passion inside the listener. ‘Sex’ has become the central idea of most of today’s popular music and the artist too depicts themselves as a sex symbol with nothing to wear on. If so, then what kind of reactions can one expect from our teenagers who are the future of the society. Choosing the right type of music matters a lot today because then the once innocent music now only vibrates with what is appropriately described as “orgasmic rock”?

Movies can have the potential of becoming a vital instrument for developing our culture and inculcating in the viewers’ taste of Art. They can, in short, be a means of education, instruction and enlightenment. Aggravation, despair, meaningless existences are thrown on the screen by the film industry, at the present world stage. The movies aren’t what they really used to be. Movies are considered to be somewhat about the reflections and imitations of our life. There is a tendency to imitate blindly the glamorous American and European styles and to purvey to audience, things completely exotic. Unabashed nudity and see-through dresses, display of various curves and curvature of female anatomy under various excuses and in various posture. Movies have done everything, shown everything and have left nothing unsaid or undone. Modern movies, full of unenlightened lunacy, are not really a film at all, though some movies might be educative and worth watching or else most of today’s movie can be simply a kind of social disease. The situation needs immediate remedical action by way of containing the evil influence of the present trend of cinemas.  

In today’s fast growing world where some event happens at every moment, the print media especially the Newspaper has done a lot in this context of informing people. Though traditional it is still considered one of the best means of information and its educative value is great to a large extent. But what we observed in this present trend is that even the press has gone to extremes in what is printed. Distrust of factual reporting is so wide spread that most people can’t believe what they read. Pornography has become a big business. The promoters of every known vice are continually coming up with new shockers for our hardened generation. The state of publication industries, driven by economic pressure, has resulted in some large printers taking on nudity magazines as clients. Politics too has influenced for which we find writings in favour of some high-flying parties. They become dangerous when the young people take for truths, the papers which propagate some form of political or social programme. They are not truthful but they give half truths- this usually misleads the mass.

Modern education with the help of teachers has evangelized the students and today education is so designed in order to produce changed beliefs. The student is given information about conflicting life styles, beliefs and governments, none of which are good or bad. The students are allowed to come to their own conclusion where the students sometimes misses to grasp the core value of education as education is not only about learning how to read and write but one trying to understand the significance of education. Education has always continued to fashion man in every manner that may have great artistic, musical, journalistic or legislative talents into relative thinkers without any definite moral principles. More then any other vehicle of our society, I believe that the educational system is also as much as guilty like any other kind of Art in spreading the modern way of thinking. What we really need at this juncture is that we need to get back to the basics of life.

We owe it to our children of what they are being exposed to. There is no doubt of the fact that our society is deteriorating rapidly and if we are to recognize the validity of the hope, which is present and also the hope which is approaching, we really need to see of how our present world condition  fits into the already predicted biblical pattern. The Bible tells us of many events, many trends, and happiness which will precede a time when Jesus, the son of God will return and bring in a whole New World Order. This new world will not be neither devised by any politicians nor maneuvered by men. The world will be one where despair and violence will be permanently erased and when peace and joy would reign.

What happens when a society rejects God? (Refer Romans 1: 28-32). I am grateful to God for in spite of the growing darkness; I see light at the end of the tunnel. There is always hope in God and He has a plan to right all wrong and deliver everyone who trusts in Him. I still believe in the Old Rugged Cross and strongly accept that there is hope for the lost population and know with most confidence that the Rock of Ages would stand through the changes of our time. All we have to do is to once again get back to the Bible.