Conduct of govt ‘officers’

Don’t government servants have a duty and responsibility to the public AND the government, whom they are serving, to lead a decent and respectable life? What a person does in his or her private life is his affair, but when he or she holds a position of responsibility it is expected that the concerned person conducts himself/herself in a manner that will bring honour to the society and the government he/she represents. 

Here in Nagaland, we see many of our so-called officers making such blatant exhibitions of themselves in all sorts of ways. Seeing government vehicles parked outside booze joints and all kinds of people driving around in the official vehicles of these ‘officers’ are some things that come to mind.

Government vehicles are issued for government duty only – not for driving around to party late into the night or for boyfriends/girlfriends or children to use as they wish. 

Some of the ‘officers’, both genders included, are even seen behaving in the most indecent manner at public dancing parties, etc. Such conduct is most visible in the commercial centre Dimapur and many are leading lives that is not becoming of people holding such responsible positions. The government should lay down some rules and codes of conduct where its employees are bound to lead respectable life styles. This is not to be narrow-minded or interfering; you are free to do whatever you want or pursue any lifestyle you wish, but when you decide to take on a job, don’t you also take on the responsibility to bring respect to that position? When an ‘officer’ makes a public show of himself/herself with behavior that is not decent, he/she is just bringing shame to the government.  
