Ended When Started

Soreni Giri 
Modern College Kohima 

The sudden wave of COVID-19 shook us all within a blink of an eye. This pandemic has a lot of impact to every living creature on earth. Our dreams and hopes for tomorrow as a teenager and a college student have been blown away within no time. The plans we had with our friends and teachers in college, plans with families for the coming days, plans in church and more plans after exams, all vanished like a cloud. The sudden lockdown has blindly pushed us to the virtual world with confused hope and imaginations. I was just starting to think and rethink what life is all about and it all ended. Do I have to make new plans and rethink all over again? 

So basically, I am someone who loves to stay indoors and stay alone most of the time. I had many plans in mind which unfortunately could not be fulfilled on time. That was the time when everything I had was shattered in a blink of an eye. It was the last year of my college life, me and my friends planned to do stuffs that we had never done. How sad it was...when we heard that our classes are suspended due to the pandemic that broke out. We hoped to see each other in our beautiful dresses that we prepared for our farewell but sad indeed it was shattered in no time. The next day after our college suspended I was filled with emotions, my friends started texting in chat group sharing their thoughts of how could it be that we couldn't even say our last goodbyes; unfortunate us. Personally, I felt it was unfair but who knew that such an invisible pandemic would break out. I heard people crying, suffering and dying in no time. Every countries economy was and is slowly falling down at the verge of reaching depression. In this hour people could not do anything but stay home to protect their loved ones and themselves. This pandemic however has had some positive effect on the environment and I know it’s not a good idea to talk about it when people are suffering and dying. But as we all know it has reduced pollution of air, water and land. The rivers are much cleaner now. The most important thing is that many people have united again with families and also many of us have turned back to Christ and have drawn nearer to Him. In this moment I or we can do nothing but pray for all those people suffering with this disease. 

This pandemic has also helped me to come to virtual world, where my classes are being taken through online. Online classes have force us to learn something new and for which I am grateful to my teachers and college authorities. These online have helped us to expand our knowledge and also help us as students to use technology in a positive manner. Though we seem very near to each other in online classes and virtual world, as teenager I want my physical class happening very soon. I want to hang around my classmates and friends in the college and canteens, laughing and chatting again. 

But, what I did during this lockdown is what all of us has been doing. Every day I wake up eat brunch, do some work, online classes, study some books, and so on. It was a time when I wanted to do stuffs that was kept pending. During this lockdown like all humans I did felt lonely but not alone; does this make sense? One thing that we need to do is to live with it and walk along with the new normal. We need to convince ourselves that this new normal is normal now. 

Well, here is a poem which I'd like to quote and dedicate to every reader. 

"It is hard sometimes, we grow weary; 
we rise, we fall that’s life we call. 
I wake up dreaming each day, 
through the air of another world. 
A world with peace, love and happiness"