GPRN/NSCN & NNC/FGN invites Nagas to Thanksgiving Service

Dimapur, July 30 (MExN): Following the unconditional reconciliation and unification of the GPRN/NSCN and NNC/FGN on 15th July 2010 at Monyakshu Village in Konyak Region, under the Covenant of Reconciliation, signed by top leaders of Naga political groups, the Co-ordination Committee of the GPRN/NSCN & NNC/FGN is organizing a thanksgiving service at Vihokhu Village, Niuland Road on 5th August 2010 beginning from 10:00 A.M. 

In a joint press note issued by the MIP and Rali Wali, the Co-ordination Committee of the GPRN/NSCN and NNC/FGN appealed to all Nagas irrespective of party allegiance or affiliation to commune together under the Journey of Common Hope. “The service is being organized not to celebrate human achievement; it is to acknowledge the Grace of Almighty God, the creator of Nagaland and the sustainer of the Naga people and their history, for offering the Naga people a small measure of understanding which could sprinkle the Nagas to greater glory”, stated the press note. 

Pointing out that the merger of two political parties is the first answer to the prayer of the Naga people, the press note added that in a Nation trying to heal itself of steep division and a blood splattered history, “only a divine inspiration would urge tolerance and acceptance of all as brothers”. 

Stating that the merger drew its strength from the fact that the destiny of the Nagas lies in the hands of God and without His intervention, the wisdom of humans will always be found wanting.   The press note pointed out that the GPRN/NSCN and NNC/FGN have in their own little capacity fulfilled what the Nagas asked of them. “It is ready to listen and march forward, without fear, to fulfill the ardent wish of our forefathers”. 

It was also informed that the distribution of invitation cards and program leaflets to all esteemed organizations is going on. The Co-ordination Committee of the GPRN & FGN has specially extended its invitation to the Forum For Naga Reconciliation (FNR), Naga Hoho and all units, ENPO and its units, JCC and its units, the DB’s and GB’s Forum, GB Federation, Naga Council, Naga Christian Forum, NBCC and its members, NSF and its federating units, ENSA and its Units, NPMHR and its units, UNC, NWUM, Non-Naga Communities in Nagaland, Senior Citizens, Village headmen/Village elders, Pastors, Youth Leaders, Women Leaders etc. The organizers also made a special request to the media fraternity, local and national, both print and electronic, to cover the event.