Mission Calling


Composed on 20th October 1997 Hong Kong

“Go Ye Into All the World” covers the whole world;
“Witness unto the uttermost” means every place;
“All Nations” means  ethnic groups, people and races;
“Every Creature” refers to every soul on earth.

Are not we commissioned to go?  Then where to go?
To the houses, to the streets, and to the markets
To the schools and offices and to human hearts
People will never come unless we go to them.

Jesus was not crucified in a cathedral
But at the center of the market place, Calv'ry
'twas the place where people of all races passed by.
Notice was written in Hebrew, Greek and Latin .

“Hebrew for Religion”, “Latin for Government”,
“Greek for Culture and Civilization”  stood for.
Religions, Governments and Civilizations
Must acknowledge the Kingship of the Lord  Jesus .

Jesus must be proclaimed to all groups of  people,
To the kings and potentate, and authority,
And to all cultured and intellectual people
We must go boldly to the places where they are.

“Person to person”,” face to face “, and “house to house”
Are a few keys for world evangelization
It was what the Lord did and showed us the pattern
It was what the Apostolic churches had done.

The churches are commissioned to reach the unreached.
You and I are the churches 'cause Christ lives in us.
Unless we go, the world will remain the un-reached.
Shouldn't we then move out and witness to the un-reached?


Composed on 20th October 1997 Hong Kong  

The blessed Holy Spirit, Who’s He? What does?
He’s the Executor and Administrator,
He is the God appointed Chief for all God’s work,
Within and outside, far and near, home and abroad.

He called the laborers, and then He ordained them
And with the churches consenting and supporting
He sent them out to the fields and directed them.
Thus Barnabas and Saul were called and then sent out.

He holds the time table when and where to do it.
He forbade laborers to preach in Asia.
Why? Had He no grace for the people of Asia?
He loved them. Asia be reached one day, He knew.

He directed the missionaries to Europe.
He yearned for a world wide missionary movement
Which could encircle the whole world through a people
He chose Anglo-Saxon people who fulfilled it.

Holy Spirit knows who the strategic converts.
There was a great revival in Samaria!
But Philip alone was there for that immense task.
He was yearning for some more partners for the task!

In the midst of it, Holy Spirit intervened .
He directed him to go to a desert place .
It contradicted his reason, yet he obeyed.
The kingdom of Ethiopia was reached through this act.

How blessed to obey Holy Spirit's leading !
He holds the right time, the right place , the  right methods.
He chooses the right strategic missionaries.
He supplies the resources, power and wisdom.


Composed on 21st October 1997 Hong Kong

Medical Science had invented the chloroform
Which makes people unable to feel anything
Though their organs are removed from their own bodies .
Satan too has his chemical to destroy men.

Satan has his own hierarchy and battle plans
Which we must know and be aware of his tactics .
The three functions of the kingdom of Satan are:
His rulers, his principalities and his power .

Since Eden, Satan tries to usurp men's kingdom.
He covets to have the full control ; if he can't
He infiltrates the place where decisions are made. .
He wants to rule at least through the godless people.

He's always alert to see a hole in the wall.
When leaders don't lead, and husband don't husband, and
When parents don't parent and the teachers don't teach
He takes advantage of them and fill the vacuum. .

He sets his spirits over places and people.
He deploys his forces according to the map.
He has particular plans for each place and group.
He rules o'er nations and cities through these forces.

He knows about races, and nationalities.
He knows about ethnic groups ,languages, Cultures.
He knows ev'ry organization , the church too!
He knows his enemy ; He  plans accordingly. .

He assigns his demon to each individual.
Type of demon is revealed by the type of sin
Committed by man or woman in his/her life.
His chief aim is to destroy the individual.

He sets his spirits to keep men's mind in darkness.
These spirits deceive men by simple little lies.
They first spread the lies and hinders the truth from men.
He’s the father of all lies from the beginning.

But God’s people should never, never fear Satan..
Jesus defeated him once for all in our name.
We are masters and conquerors over Satan.
But we shouldn't be ignorant of his device too.