Mission Calling


Composed on March 22, 1998 Hong Kong

When the rain from the sky falls upon a river
The rain water mingles with that of the river
And form absolutely, inseparably one!
Two bodies from two places ! But now become  one !

The Son of God, our Lord Jesus came from heaven.
And rejoined with the fallen vile humanity .
He became absolutely Man, the very Man.
His body and His nature became total man.

As a total man He paid the price for all men .
He redeemed the sinful and fallen human race.
He lifted men from the depth of sin to heaven.
Now man can mingle with the God-Man from heaven.

His body is our body; His blood is our blood.
His life is our life; His nature is our nature .
By the sweet ministry of the Holy Spirit,
We become one with Him, inseparably one!

His glory is our glory; His power our power
And His authority is our authority .
Rise up, O man of God and take your place in Christ,
And go forward and rescue the perishing souls.

Composed on March 22, 1998 Hong Kong

"The life of the flesh is in the blood" ,says the Lord.
The fallen men who were dead in sin needed blood.
"Without shedding of blood there is no remission".
The dead and the dying sinners needed the blood.

The Son of Man, the Savior of the world .Jesus
Sacrificed His blood, the holy and divine blood .
He left His blood without taking a drop with Him!
Then who holds the blood bank donated by the Lord?

The sweet Holy Spirit holds the blood bank today.
He applies it upon the repentant sinners
And transfuses it into their lifeless bodies .
No one can do it except the Holy Spirit.

We praise the Redeemer for His blood donation,
We praise the Holy Spirit for applying it to us.
Oh what a blessed team work for our salvation!
Shouldn’t we love and worship the Holy Spirit too ?

Composed on March 23, 1998 Hong Kong

How blessed is the  Gift of the Holy Spirit .
He imparts upon us all that Christ is and has.
So we become what Christ is ; we  have what Christ has.
He brings Christ to us and He lifts us to Christ's place.

He serves as a searching Torch-light and a Mirror.
He focuses His light on all that's unpleasant
To let us see them with our eyes as He sees them.
When we pain for them He washes them by Christ's blood.

He serves as Microscope to let us see  unseen .
Man dies due to the existence of unseen germs.
Invisible Satanic germs must be disclosed.
He first reveals them to us; then He destroys them.

He serves as Telescope to let us see distance.
The Most Holy God  is now enthroned  in heaven
Natural eyes cannot see Him in His glory.
But Holy Spirit reveals His glory to us .

Blessed Holy Spirit’s  weapons are far above
The most developed technology and science.
His power is far above the Satanic power.
Why Disown   this gift which is greatest of all gifts.

Composed on March 23, 1998 Hong Kong

Jesus is what humanity was meant to be;
Jesus is what humanity is to be now.
Blessed Holy Spirit is the Agent of God
To impart the FULNESS OF JESUS CHRIST to men

Perfectly real man was Jesus Christ on earth.
He's still perfectly the real man in heaven.
In Christ alone a man attains real manhood.
Who's not like Christ in essence is not real man.

"IN ME" is the key to attain manhood by men.
"Abide in Me", says the Lord, "And I’ll be in you".
When He comes into one's life by the Holy Spirit
He too is incorporated into His life.

Knowledge about God; All good works and men's merits;
Self Discipline, Morality and charity,
Combined together, one cannot attain manhood.
Manhood is in Christ, by Christ and through Christ alone.

Do you want to be real man you’re meant to be?
Believe in what Jesus did on the Cross for you.
Ask the sweet blessed Holy Spirit to help you .
You'll see yourself on the peak of manhood. Praise God.

Composed on March 24, 1998 Hong Kong

In God's Image and Likeness I was created.
Unconditionally Jesus Christ redeemed me.
He gave His whole life for me, His body and blood.
He invested the total life of His in me.

By the power of the blessed Holy Spirit
My body is made a holy temple for Him.
The very essence of Christ's life is now in me.
I become what Christ is and I have what Christ has.

It’s a mystery too wonderful for the world.
Yet it's a fact, a truth, a daily experience
To the children of God who're truly born again,
And washed by Jesus' blood by the Holy Spirit

My heart becomes His heart; my mind becomes His mind;
My mouth His mouth; My tongue His tongue; My eyes His eyes;
My ears His ears; My hands His hands; My feet His feet;
My face His face; My appearance His appearance.

It's the fruit of eternal, Divine investment.
Father gave His only begotten Son, Jesus;
Jesus gave His life, and sent the Holy Spirit;
Holy Spirit now invests His gifts and the fruits.

It is the Father's Gift, free Gift, eternal Gift;
It's the Son's purchased Gift, Who paid the price for it;
It's the Holy Spirit's Gift Who came to give it
It's our eternal heritage, free, free, yes, free!

(Mission Calling by Rev Dr T. Alem Meren is a collection of poems written over the years to inspire people especially young Nagas to take up mission work. Every Tuesday, the Morung Express will feature this column. As the writer states: “God laid upon my heart a burden to challenge the young
people of Nagaland for Christ’s Ministry beyond our home”).