Prevention of Zooonatic Diseases in Pet Dog –Dos & Don’ts

Veterinary Hospital Kohima

Zoonosis is defined as any disease or infection that is naturally transmissible between vertebrate animals and humans and vice versa. The impact of zoonotic diseases on dog starts with morbidity, leading to overall deterioration of health condition and result in mortality. Dogs also suffer from highly contagious viral diseases like Parvovirus infection, Canine distemper, Canine para influenza virus etc that can spread from one diseased dog to other healthy dogs


1.    Schedule annual and biannual visit to your Veterinarian for your dog’s health check up, vaccination, deworming and faecal examination.

2.    Keep your dog free from parasitic infestation by grooming/combing regularly and   giving body bath weekly using medicated soap and shampoo.

3.    Keep your dog in a confined, clean and comfortable shed and regularly clean and disinfect the shed,feeder and water trough.

4.    Proper disposal of the dog faeces and other waste products. 

5.    Dog showing any signs of loss of appetite/depression /weakness/ high body temperature/ loose motion or inability to stand up should be brought to the nearest veterinary health centre for examination.

6.    Feed your dog with well balanced nutritious diet and sufficient clean water daily.

7.    Dog owner should always wash their hands thoroughly with soap and water after feeding, petting, grooming, combing, exercising and cleaning the shed.


1. Never feed your dog with raw or uncooked meat.

2. Avoid letting your dog lick your face/hand or contact with any household eatables.

3. Don’t ignore your dog’s requirement for daily playtime and exercise.

4. Avoid letting your dog loose without supervision. 

5. Avoid letting your dog play with other dogs or any strange dogs or to interact with people outside the household.

6. Owner should avoid coming in contact with their dog if they are not feeling well. If unavoidable, wear a mask.