Quality education in elementary school

The communization of elementary education is based on the principal of no work no pay. However in the real situation it is discouraging to note that most of the teachers attend to their duty only to please their VEC’s so as their wages are not deducted. A good number or the teachers are drunkard, drug addicts and political appointees having a strong political lineage, where the teacher - in charge are kept at their mercy in some cases threatening to transfer them to the most remote areas.

The method and system of the appointment of teachers has a big question mark in hand with most appointments being made without ascertaining the capability of the applicant which can be brought only through a general competition. Such appointment made through back doors has hampered the education system in our state. In many cases the actual appointees are never seen or heard of after the issuing of their appointment order, rather proxy culture is being introduced and has become the order of the day. Their encouragement of proxy culture teacher has in turn encouraged others to follow suit. It is likely that if an atmosphere of general competition for the appointment or teacher is not redressed and brought in immediately, we will be adding up more proxy culture students into the fold of our educated un-employed youth in the state. The Govt officials and authorities in the district concerned with the management of the school should also see that routine visit to the school be a must so as to uplift and bring their much talked issue about quality education during important functions and programmed

Few Suggestions:

1. The government should not depend fully on VEC alone for quality education. The NGO’s such as student body and administration should be empowered to do away totally with the proxy culture of Government teacher in our state.

2. All the teachers-in charge of the school should he provided with an additional allowance of at least one rupee to empower them to control the other fellow teachers.

3. The selection of candidates by general competition should be made at the state level and not at the district level. Since past experiences has shown rampant manipulation in the process of selection of teacher candidates through political hosannas, enveloped system and supply of livestock in multitudes in place of deserving candidate.

4. If possible appointment of adhoc teachers should be stopped. However, if adhoc appointments are inevitable, the Government should constitute un-adhoc appointment board in DIS or director level for screening of the candidate before his/her appointment. It is advisable that government should appoint only 2 years pre-service DIET qualified candidate as most or us expect quality education from them as they are well equipped to deal with the small children.

5. All the EBRC should sponsor VEC training at least once in a year.

6. Lastly, re-deployment of teachers as per the enrolment within the district should be reviewed and implemented rather than blaming the only or few under-matric teachers  in the remote area tending to the entire sheep’s as a good shepherd.

(A concerned senior teacher-in charge)