Quiz #378

1.    Which among the following hospitals won  Kayakalp Award For 2022-23 in District Hospital Category?
a. NKAK Kohima        

b. Kiphire

c. IMDH Mokokchung        

d. Tuensang


2.    Who bagged the title of 10th Nagaland Spelling Bee Championship 2023?
a. Phukulo Tsuhah         

b. Leni A Imsong 

c. Elijah Ronren Kikon         

d. Aiko Kiyala


3.    The ‘Sankalp Saptaah’ is associated with: 
a. Aspirational Sub-Division 

b. Aspirational Block 

c. Aspirational District

d.  Aspirational State


4.    Which of the following Nobel Prizes 2023 winners is wrongly matched?
a. Katalin Karikó – Medicine

b. Jon Fosse - Literature 

c. Moungi G Bawendi – Peace

d. Narges Mohammadi – Peace


5.    How many medals India won in the recent Asian Games 2023 in Hangzhou China?
a. 28            

b. 38 

c. 41           

 d. 107

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Answers to Quiz #377: 1. b; 2. a; 3. d; 4. C; 5. a

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