Personnel from Home Guards and Civil Defence Department, Tuensang during the seminar held at Sao Chang College.
Tuensang, March 29 (MExN): The Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), Sao Chang College (SCC), Tuensang jointly with SCC Disaster Management Committee organised a one-day seminar on disaster management on March 28.
SSC media cell in a press release stated that the resource persons were from Home Guards and Civil Defence Department, Tuensang. In the first session of the Seminar, Sinlo Khing, Sub-Inspector, Home Guards & Civil Defence, gave a power point presentation on ‘disaster management-preparedness, response & recovery.’
Students were highlighted about how preparedness for any sort of disasters in advance can go a long way in saving precious lives. In the second session, practical demonstrations were demonstrated wherein the students were taught on how to take care of themselves as well as the injured before professional help arrives.
Earlier the programme was chaired by Lizonthung Shitiri, Assistant Prof & Coordinator, Disaster Management Committee, SCC. The college Vice-Principal, Longtichang Tzudir gave away certificate of commendation to the resource persons. Dr Santosh Kumar Singh, Coordinator, IQAC, SCC delivered the welcome address and vote of thanks by Shilumongla, Assistant Prof, Department of Economics, SCC.