‘Save the Hornbill from Extinction’ Petition

We have had a tiring but rewarding time this month in our "Save the hornbill" awareness campaign at Hornbill festival. Public support has been overwhelming. The online petition has enabled people from around the world to voice out their concern.
We're scheduled to submit the petition signatures to the Honorable Union Minister for Forests & Environment on January 2012.

Hornbill Conservation Initiative (HCI)

Some of the comments made by the signatories

“Extinction is forever...no second chances. Let’s act now!”
-Ms. Yin Sareo, India
“Great cause, Great effort from the people of Nagaland. A beautiful state with nature but with less birds and animals. This great effort can bring back the glory of beauty in your state once again. Animals and birds like Hornbill have rights to live. Humans have destroyed nature. If a hornbill is seen in the forests that shows that there is abundance of thick forest and food for animals and birds to eat. Not many people know. Saving hornbill is like saving forest.”
-Mr. Vishwanath appachu, India
“I have seen these beautiful birds being sold in local markets of Kohima and Dimapur under very eyes of police personnel. Nagas must become sensitive to the blessings God has bestowed upon them in form of lush forests with its inhabitants and save and conserve them.”
-Dr. Manish Kumar, India
“A thought: Why not the government of Nagaland instead of spending a huge amount of money organizing cultural shows during the so called Hornbill festival, invest the same towards conservation of the endangered hornbills.”
-Mr. Zhabu Yimsung, Nagaland, India
“Dear Minister, please do all you can to save this magnificent and beautiful bird that is so entwined in the social and cultural life of the Naga people. It is only through people like yourself your friends and colleagues that the Hornbill can be saved for future Naga children and people to enjoy watching them fly the skies over Nagaland instead of a glass box in some museum, On a purely fiscal note. The Hornbill brings tourist money from all over the world via eco tourism and, of course, the Hornbill Festival. Thank you Sir, for your help in saving such a beautiful bird.”
-Peter Hayton, USA
“Nagaland too was once upon a time abode of Hornbills, which is just a mere tale today.  There are still pockets where we find the bird even today…. a single repair or maintenance cost can help Hornbill back to live in this part of the world, which happens to be a part of the mega biodiversity hotspot of the world.”
-Mr. Fur Kumzuk, India
 “DARE to protect and Preserve our hornbills! DARE to call it our Duty!”
-Dr. Hotoka Hesso, Nagaland, India
“There should be sensitization among the tribal’s not to revere the hornbill's feathers as a trophy to be adorned as head gear”
-Mr. Roopa Sharma, India
“Every time a species is lost, we have lost an important link in the web of life. The Hornbill needs to have protected status.”
-Dr. Raviner Kaur, Australia
“Save hornbills which represents permanent bond between 16 different and diverse communities of real fighters, 'The NAGAs' in INDIA.”
-Mr. Sameer Arora, India
“Birds like these are a gift from God, so they must survive!”
-Mr. Eduardo Coelho, Brazil
“Efforts to save wildlife in Nagaland is like swimming against the Tsunami tidal waves....we need all the support from every angle to save this beautiful land and its wildlife...”
-Steve Odyuo, Nagaland, India
“The World needs unique creatures. Save the Hornbill so our children's children can live in a world that has the unique Hornbills in it”
-Mr. Phillip H George, USA
“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated."- Gandhi”
-Ms. Victoria Molinari, USA
“Meat, beak, and feathers"??? Humans are still exploiting animals for this idiocy! Time to evolve and leave other species' - ALL of them, their lives! We have made hell on earth for other species and are destroying our world.”
-Ms. Patricia Randolph, West Indies
“There is a pair of Hornbills that comes to my backyard in Goa to feed on the Jackfruit. This is quite rare for the Hornbill rarely comes to human populated areas. The mere fact that this pair keeps coming over says that their breeding/feeding area is in danger. These birds are beautiful and spectacular to look and it will be a major loss to India to see them disappear.”
-Mr. Brian DSouza, India