Sümi Hoho highlights need for proper road connectivity

Representatives of various CSOs and Sümi Hoho members during the meeting on July 23.

Representatives of various CSOs and Sümi Hoho members during the meeting on July 23.

Morung Express News
Zunheboto | July 23

The Sümi Hoho conducted its first executive committee members meeting for the tenure 2021-2024 at the Sümi Hoho Ki on July 23 and deliberated on various issues affecting the welfare of the community. 

The meeting witnessed the participation of several civil society organisations including the Sümi Kukami Hoho, Sümi Totimi Hoho, Sümi Kiphipimi Kuqhakulu, Western Sümi Hoho, Sümi Cultural Association, Sümi Literature Board, Sümi Games and Sports Association and representatives from all seven assembly constituencies under Zunheboto district.

During the meeting, the responsibilities of the executive committee members and the Hoho’s constitution and functions were deliberated at length. Several issues concerning the wellbeing of the Sümi community and Nagas in general were also discussed. 

Notably, the house observed that the road conditions in the district were in a deplorable state, thereby adversely affecting the community at large. The need for good road connectivity as a common requirement was underlined and as such, the meeting resolved to take every step possible to improve road connectivity in the region.

Sümi Hoho President Nikheto Jimomi who chaired the meeting, reminded the gathering that the Zunheboto district lies in the heart of Nagaland and as such, urged the members to encourage qualities like humility, hospitality and goodwill towards others within and outside the community.

The welcome address was proposed by the Hoho’s Vice President Hokishe Kiba and a special prayer was pronounced by Vihoto Awomi, Mission Secretary, SBAK Nito Mount.