The Spirit of Christmas

It is Christmas time, a season of activities to which we have waited for so long. It is a time for shopping and gifting and a time for reunion of families and friends. It is also a time to attend Church services even for those who are not used to it. Under the facade of this festive atmosphere, it is also a trying time for many families where budget will run dry and the festive mood may turn into tension. It is also an opportune time for anti socials who will stealthily prowl the street corners extorting money for “KRISTMAS KARONI”. Telephone calls and door bells also could create panic in the house. It is also an unsuspicious time for leader of sorts who will prefer to disappear into undisclosed sanctuary in search of a quite Christmas but avoiding public who are seeking for “JESU MOREM KARONI KIBA RASTA”. It is bad news even for animals especially for pigs as many of them will be ushered into the execution chamber during the season, while we humans will be humming “Silent Night, Holy Night”.
Earlier the winter cool of December used to be pleasantly broken by the warmth of carol singing which provided a festive atmosphere everywhere. But sadly we hardly hear such Carol singing these days. Carol singing has been lately replaced to a great extend by the display of the stars of Bethlehem that can be seen on rooftops of every building ,providing a colorful festive atmosphere specially at night when the multi colored stars twinkle in silent splendor, but for the fact that this tranquil atmosphere is frequently disrupted by the burst of crackers. It is sad to note that crackers, an alien culture, has overtaken the tradition place of Christmas carols that brought joy and laughter during the season.
To capture the true spirit of Christmas one may look back to the story of hope and joy in the Bible where the shepherd were told about the good news of great joy that Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace is born in the city of Bethlehem. This good news represents the true spirit of Christmas.
May this Christmas spirit be bestowed upon individuals, families and churches during this season and let the spirit bring in a healing touch to a bruised and an angry soul and to a broken home. May the Christmas spirit also usher in a kind of peace and joy within the hearts of everyone.