‘Staff Selection Board within a month’s time’: NSF

NSF officials  with  the Chief Minister and Council of Ministers on June 15. (Morung Photo)

NSF officials with the Chief Minister and Council of Ministers on June 15. (Morung Photo)

Morung Express News
Kohima | June 15

The Naga Students' Federation (NSF) informed that the setting up of the Staff Selection Board (SSB) in Nagaland has been “decided in principle,” following a meeting with the Chief Minister and Council of Ministers on June 15.

“They (government) assured us that our demand for setting up of SSB in Nagaland has been decided in principle. The Chief Minister assured us that within one month's time, Nagaland SSB will be approved. This is a positive response. We are hopeful and looking up to the government that they are serious in regard to this matter,” said NSF President Ninoto Awomi addressing a press conference at the NSF Headquarters here today.

While assurance was given to materialise the approval within one month's time, Awomi also informed that the government will be circulating staff selection documents in the public domain before the final approval.

It was informed that the meeting discussed the ongoing National Health Mission (NHM) employees’ agitation wherein the government is said to have assured the NSF team that 'they are ready for discussion with the aggrieved party to resolve.’ As such, the NSF expressed solidarity with the NHM employees, however considering the COVID-19 pandemic; it reminded that “the Naga public should not be at the receiving end because of the issue between NEAN and the government.”

“We would like to appeal the NEAN to resume in serving our community, and in the meantime resolve the issue through meeting with the government. For which NSF extends its solidarity,” said Awomi.

With the influx of returnees from outside the state, the NSF expressed concern over the state of unemployment among Nagas where many of the returnees lost their jobs in the cities. “Our state is going to face unemployment crisis,” viewed the NSF. The matter was discussed during the meeting with the Chief Minister and his team where they apprised the NSF that a committee on Employment and Sustainability has been set up to tackle the unemployment crisis with emphasis on agriculture and allied sectors, skill development, tourism, youth resources sectors.

“Thousands of non-locals who set up their businesses has already left the state therefore we appeal our Naga unemployed youth to take advantage of those gaps in building and striving towards self reliance and a sustainable Naga society,” said Awomi, while adding that Naga youth must take up any job available as “No work is small”.

“We appealed the government to be transparent in the financial management on the funds received and expenditure incurred for which the CM assured that transparency will be maintained,” stated the NSF.

On the recent regularisation of health practitioners, the NSF also apprised the government to review their decision and further appealed the government to stream the recruitment through NPSC.

According to the NSF, discussions are also underway with the ANPSA with regard to school fees and teacher's salaries.

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