Teacher’s training held in Pughoboto

Pughoboto, February 21 (MExN): One-day training for the teachers under Mission School and New Foundation School, Pughoboto was conducted at Pughoboto Town on February 18. A DIPR report stated that the training was organized by SABAK in collaboration with SCERT, Nagaland and it was attended by 28 teachers from Mission School and New Foundation School. The resource persons were Benjungdenla Yaden (Reader), Medemmongla Jamir, (Research Associate), and Izeule Ramlia, (Research Associate) from SCERT, Kohima. The purpose of the training was to update the teachers on the changes in the education system with the introduction of NEP 2020. The training also covered Professional Ethics, Key Features of NEP 2020, Importance of Foundation Stage, Curriculum and Pedagogy & School Based Assessment