The Sinai 'Hug Mission'

S. Imliwabang Longchari 
Director, Sinai Ministry

Sinai Hug Mission is a mission where children are encouraged to hug their parents, and parents their children, as a sign and expression of love and appreciation for one another. It also symbolizes carrying out the message of the power that is behind one simple HUG.

It all started with the two day Sinai Leaders’ Retreat on 24 and 25 March, ‘09. On the second day of the retreat, the Speaker, Allemsunup, The Repairers of the Breach Ministry TROTB, spoke on the topic ‘Love of the Father’ wherein he stressed on the power of a ‘Hug’. He told the Sinai leaders how once he had a strained relationship with his father, but then one day the Spirit of the Lord spoke and commanded him to hug his father. Initially, he couldn't bring himself to carry out the commanded him to hug his father. Initially, he couldn’t bring himself to carry out the command; he thought it was impossible. But when finally he mustered up enough courage to do as bidden and hugged his father, all barriers that ever existed between them broke down.

His personal story moved and blessed all the Sinai leaders attending the retreat, and sensing the depth of the response to the testimony and how, by replicating the same, it could positively be applied in mending the breach between parents and children, I decided to launch an operation called ‘The Sinai Hug Mission’.

In this booklet, you will read very personal testimonies. Some have written about how God has helped them, with the impetus, of The Sinai Hug Mission, in rebuilding their relationship with their parents; some on the positive roles their parents have played in their lives, etc.

I have also experienced the power of hugging with my dad (now he is gone to be with the Lord). As far as I know, I don't remember hugging my dad throughout my life until May 2007. That particular day, my dad came out of his room with tears on his face and hugged me. The warmth I felt that day from my dad's hug was nothing like I'd ever experienced before. He promised that from that day on he will not take any stuff which is not pleasing to God (he was a chain-smoker and heavy paan chewer). From then on, he totally gave up smoking and chewing paan. Not only that, he started to talk with God every morning and night and spent most of his time in prayers. Though he is no more with us, his life continues to be an example for us.

I can remember that the hug with my dad. It was the first and the last hug, but it was the best hug that I had ever received and I doubt will ever receive throughout the rest of my life. The one thing I’ll miss most in my life is my dad’s hug.

It is my humble prayer to God that through this booklet, families and individuals will be touched and changed. If there is anyone out there today who is thinking of hugging your loved ones, do not just think it; do it. You cannot even begin to imagine what a transformation that one simple hug will bring in your life.

God bless all the readers.

(The Sinai Ministry will be releasing the booklet “Hug Mission” on September 1, 2009 at IMC Hall)