To strife and to preserve God-given freedom

GEN (Retd) Viyalie Metha
Kedahge, Federal Government of Nagaland

My Dear Countrymen, 

Today, Naga people celebrate in commemoration of their historic independence declaration on 14th August, 1947. And today Nagaland exists as a Nation among nations by unceasingly upholding our National Rights which was meticulously laid down by our ancestors. We are thankful to God Almighty, for His blessings and protection all through these years of hardships and toils. Even as our people rightfully celebrate our independence with pomp and gaiety, we remember our fore-bearers and leaders with thanks for whose sacrifices we are what we are today. I on behalf of the Federal Government of Nagaland express my gratitude to the present National Workers of the Naga National Council and the Federal Government of Nagaland for their unflinching sacrifices till today.

Looking back into the history of Nagaland, our wise leaders realising the imminently drastic changes that were going to take place in this part of the world after the World War II, with all humanity they attempted to keep good neighbourly relationship between Nagaland and the upcoming independent country India. They went to Delhi and met most of the Indian leaders including the Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, Muhammad Jinnah and Mahatma Gandhi. Back home our Leaders, in order to clear any future doubt or confusion declared Nagaland Independence one day before India was given Independence by her British Rulers. This was clear-cut brief Indo-Naga History.

Ever since her independence India started to invade Nagaland vying our wealth of rich natural resources. India’s forced occupation in Nagaland by its armed forces supported with promulgation of its black laws and applying the Policy of ‘divide and rule’ in Nagaland - the worst policy they themselves suffered in the hands of their British masters yet used against others; this had prolonged the suffering of our people. 

However, today it is encouraging to see the outcome of the Federal Government of Nagaland’s policy to maintain peace in the Land by honouring our commitment made on 6th September 1964 ‘Indo-Naga International Ceasefire Agreement’ for which our children could acquire their proper education and people’s economy improved by God’s Grace.  

On this auspicious and historic occasion, I am reminded of our struggle to survive as a nation. We have, no doubt, survived as a nation by the grace of the Almighty. Today, I look upon the educated elites of our society with request to share the burden of our nation. Our path is however dark and dreary because of the enemy, it is strewn with stumbling blocks of political divisions, treachery, greed and insecurity. This is because of the aggression, treachery and unwillingness to understand the Nagaland stand by our neighbour that professes to be the largest democracy in the world. Whereas, some of our so-called educated elites have conversely obfuscated the truth of our history by conjuring up narratives based on alien ideologies and dogmas using all sorts of irrelevant terminologies. This has given birth to empty rhetoric and impractical ideas devoid of relevant values. Meanwhile, some of us have become parasites by living and feeding off the aggressors and its agencies in the form of the puppet government set up by India and also in the guise of Naga nationalists. This infernal state of affairs has further created confusion and attitude of despondency towards our national well-being. While such a situation has created confusion and despondency it has become leverage to the aggressors to bring their laws upon us infringing our liberty and sovereignty.  This graphic description is in no way meant to discourage any one nor is it meant to further confusion and despondency but to move forward unflinchingly for the glory of our nation. 

And to do this, there should be no reason why any Naga should be confused as to who speaks the truth with reason and who is not. Prior to the formation of Naga National Council NNC in 1946, each and every Naga Regions rather every village was a small republic. It was when A.Z. Phizo became the President of NNC he brought all Nagas together as one by bringing together NNC (areas which were under British administration) and the Free Nagas (areas which were never administered by any foreign power) and formed the Federal Government of Nagaland (FGN) on March 22, 1956 at Parashen in Rengma Region. Furthermore the NNC/FGN passed the resolution known as ‘Lakhuti Resolution’ at Lakhuti in Lotha Region to protect the Federal Government and Naga Unity. No Naga shall challenge or violate this solemn declaration. These are the foundations and the truth of Naga Unity and Naga Nation; nothing more.

My dear countrymen, let us not remain complacent and indifferent for personal comfort but suffer if we must, to strife and to preserve God-given freedom and liberty as a people and Nation.  

God Bless Nagaland. KUKNALIM.