World Environment Day: Reflection for a local situation

Fr Paul Lelen Haokip



Soon after the celebration of the International Day for Biological Diversity on 22nd May, the world is gearing up to meaningfully reflect, participate and pledge in the celebration of World Environmental Day on the 5th June. Human beings are one species of living things on this earth. Humans do not own the earth. They are part of this reality for some time. The theme for World Environmental Day 2020 is “Biodiversity – a concern that is both urgent and existential.”Human beings need to realize that environment is “not” one of the many areas to look into but the environment is “the” area to care for biodiversity survival, economic growth, human prosperity, historical development, scientific enhancement. We may not be able to physically celebrate this year's World Environmental Day, but our hearts and minds rise for the conservation of mother earth.

Biodiversity existence

The human-animal-environment interdependence web is an indispensable reality. “Biological diversity” is the number and types of plants and animals that exist in a particular region or the world (Singh, 2020).The alleged origin of COVID-19 in Wuhan to the deaths in many countries show the interconnectedness of biodiversity. One phenomenon affects others and diverse places. This world is a web of relationships, either for good or evil. The carbon footprint of one person affects the others. “It would take 1.6 Earths to meet the demands that humans make of nature each year. If we continue on this path, biodiversity loss will have severe implications for humanity, including the collapse of food and health systems”(Nations, World Environmental Day, 2020 ). Human desires continue to have rapid growth, unmindful of reciprocal consequences. 

Human wants

Human wants increase while nature has a limited resource supply. The natural resources of the world are fast depleting. Perhaps, a need to move from the detrimental consumerist concept of “want” to humane comportment of “need” is a relevant theme. The “Silent Spring” by Rachel Carson, a ground-breaking work highlights human greed at nature’s expense. “As man proceeds toward his announced goal of the conquest of nature, he has written a depressing record of destruction, directed not only against the earth he inhabits but against the life that shares it with him”(Carson, 1962, p. 52). The COVID-19 pandemic has brought in the “minimality principle” which is a useful tool for long-term earth’s survival. For the last more than two months (beginning from 24th March, National Lockdown, India), Indians have been buying and living with essential things. At the economic front, a huge setback has happened. But compared to the priceless worth of human lives, all other setbacks are secondary. Life is a matter of deciding what is most essential to know and practise it.

Environmental education

It is appropriate to get a foothold with environmental education leading to environmental care. It is not enough to learn the three Rs (reading, writing and arithmetic) of education. Concrete wall classrooms scenario could sometimes shift to the natural setting - under the trees for students’hands-on experience. Academic marks in environmental study subjects could be evaluated by ground zeroexperiential knowledge.It is heartening to note, per year, a mature tree cleans our air, absorbing 22 kilos of carbon dioxide, releasing oxygen in exchange (Nations, World Environmental Day, 2020). Theoretical knowledge could end up in the do-nothing principle.Urbanites need to move from cities and experience the natural setting of forests, the oxygen-industry of their lives. Humans need to realise that “their current lifestyles and activities contribute to environmental change on a significant, potentially life-threatening scale”(Roome, 1992, p. 11). Mere conceptual knowledge should be tested with experience of the environment in its natural setting. Awareness could lead to a reduction of hazardous wastes of severe impact on land, water and air. Then, pro-active conservation and funding would see new dimensions. 

Environmental conservation

Environmental awareness prompts environmental conservation, leading to environmental management. At the backdrop of many enterprises interested in “short-term profitability than in longer-term sustainability”(Christopher B. Hunt, 1990, p. 8), it is extremely strenuous to orient. Governments around the world look up to indigenous ways of environmental conservation which is economic and sustainable.Indigenous people who live with nature find meaning and sustenance in that environmental setting. They entirely depend on seasonal rain, recurring fruits and natural food harvest for their daily survival. Any major change in climate adversely affects their life-cycle of crop plantation and food harvesting. “Responsible corporate behaviour”(Rondinelli, 1998) while developing urban areas need special ethical treatment of environment.Unethical treatment of space is an environmental crime. This act affects the whole biodiversity. “A cohesive and far-reaching corporate policy statement should be the cornerstone for an environmental management program”(Christopher B. Hunt, 1990, p. 12) that can preserve the environment for generations. The bedrock reality is either human beings conserve the environment and live or continue destruction and perish gradually. This is an urgent and existential choice. 


Human beings need cooperative nexus to execute projects. The world is a web of biodiversity. “An environmental department will not be fully effective unless it has a close reporting relationship with multiple levels of staff in manufacturing, general counsel, public relations, government relations, R&D, finance, and other departments”(Christopher B. Hunt, 1990, p. 14).Stakeholders need to join for environmental education and conservation. It is proper to engage “governments, businesses, celebrities and citizens to focus their efforts on a pressing environmental issue”(Nations, World Environmental Day, 2020). Human beings should shift from “wants” to “needs” and give spatial freedom for the environment to flourish. Education and awareness culminate in concern which is urgent and existential for biodiversity to continue.