Adult Education

Function of Adult Education in a democracy is to provide every adult citizen with an opportunity of the type which he wishes and which he should have for his personal enrichment, professional advancement and effective participation in social and political life. Adult education is yet to get its due importance in nation building and empowerment of individuals. Adult education can be remedial supplementary, complimentary or substitute to formal education which is usually confined to the early phase of childhood, adolescence and early youth in human life cycle.
As per 2001 census the gap in gender literacy was around 21 %. President in her address to the joint session of Parliament in June 2009 announced that National Literacy Mission be so modified as to make• every woman literate in the next five years. Keeping this in view new version of NLM “Saakshar Bharat” was launched by the Prime Minister on 8th September 2009.
The mission is “To establish a fully literate society through improved quality and standards of adult education and literacy”. It is one of the flagship programmes of the Government and• is monitored by the Prime Minister through delivery monitoring unit in PMO.
Prime focus on women, though men are not excluded.
Special focus on SCs, STs, Minorities and disadvantaged sections of the society. Low adult female literacy districts identified in rural areas and projects received from the states sanctioned.


i. to achieve 80% literacy by the end of XI th five year plan
ii. to reduce the gender gap in literacy to 10%
iii. to reduce social regional and communal disparities in literacy
Decadal increase is female literacy 15.23% as against 11.79% at national level.
Gender gap is 7% as against 170/0 at national level.
In Nagaland 2 eligible districts (Mon & Tuensang) as per 2001 census have been covered under the programn1e. However, Tuensang has been trifurcated and two new districts (Kiphire and Longleng) ‘have been created and those have also been covered. The funding pattern for the programn1e in the North-Eastern states is 90: 10 for central and the state Governments. Project cost is Rs. 7.26 Crore of which Rs. 6.64 crore is the central share.
First ad-hoc grant of Rs.1.96 crore has already been released. Next installment will be released after the state government submits the plan after completion of the survey. It is because of the reason that the nun1ber of beneficiaries will be known.
The programme will be run by the village level units and one Adult Education Centers (AEC) will be set up at each village council level. It will be p1anned by two paid contractual Preraks.
Director General, National Literacy Mission Authority, MHRD and his team of officers has given comprehensive orientation to the stake holders of Nagaland yesterday.
There has been strong need for National Curriculum Fran1ework for adult education. An expert committee to recommend NCFAE had been constituted which has submitted its report. There has been a need• for wider consultations with the stakeholders to have their views. Today the regional consultation for North-Eastern states including the states of West Bengal, Bihar, Jharkhand and Odisha has been organized. The participants are from academical NGOs, state governn1ent officials and State Resource Centers,
Over all target to cover 70 million adult non- literates of which 60 million will be women.

i.     Basic literacy
ii.     Basic education (Equivalency)
iii.     Skill development
iv.     Continuing education

The main approach for the programme is voluntary based mass camping approach. But the flexi approaches example.

i.     Resident instructor
ii.     Residential camps
iii.     Part residential camp-part Volunteer- based

Nagaland Literacy Rate
                  2001         2011
Female        61.46        76.69
Male            71.16        83.29
Persons        66.59        80.11
Decadal increase is 13.52% as against 9.20% in national level.

(A DIPR Feature by Temjenkaba News Assistant)
Source: School education

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